Lokacija: Hrvatski dom Split, koncertna dvorana Ive Tijardovića
Vrijeme: 30. kolovoza 2024, s početkom u 20.00 sati
S živahnom pozornom prisutnošću, blistavom tehnikom i oštrom glazbenošću, pijanistica Olga Kern široko je priznata kao jedna od velikih umjetnica svoje generacije, očaravajući publiku i kritiku. Rođena je u obitelji glazbenika i počela je učiti klavir s pet godina. Sa sedamnaest godina osvojila je prvu nagradu na Međunarodnom pijanističkom natjecanju Rachmaninov, a 2001. godine započela je svoju karijeru u SAD-u, osvojivši povijesnu Zlatnu medalju na Međunarodnom pijanističkom natjecanju Van Cliburn – jedina žena koja je to postigla u posljednjih 50 godina.
Kao Steinway umetnica, Olga je laureatica nekoliko međunarodnih natjecanja. Godine 2016. bila je predsjednica žirija na Cliburn International Amateur Piano Competition i prvom Olga Kern International Piano Competition, gdje također nosi naslov umjetničke direktorice. U prosincu 2021. Olga je bila predsjednica žirija na 1. Chopin Animato International Piano Competition u Parizu, Francuska. U nadolazećim sezonama nastavit će sudjelovati u žirijima nekoliko visokokvalitetnih natjecanja. Olga često drži majstorske tečajeve, a od 2017. godine predaje na Katedri za klavir na Manhattan School of Music. Također je te 2017. godine primila Medalju časti Ellis Island (New York City). Godine 2019. imenovana je Connie & Marc Jacobson direktoricom komorne glazbe na Virginia Arts Festivalu.
Olga je nastupala s mnogim uglednim orkestrima, uključujući St. Louis Symphony, Pacific Symphony, Baltimore Symphony, Detroit Symphony i National Symphony Orchestra (Washington, D.C.), kao i Češkom filharmonijom, Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala, Pittsburgh Symphony, São Paulo Symphony Orchestra, Islandskom simfonijskim orkestrom, Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie, NHK Symphony Orchestra iz Tokija i Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra. Također je bila istaknuta solistica na američkim turnejama s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra i Royal Scottish National Orchestra 2018. i 2022. godine, a tijekom sezone 2017–2018. bila je umjetnica u rezidenciji u San Antonio Symphony.
Najvažniji trenuci sezone 2021–2022 uključivali su nastupe s Austin Symphony, Palm Beach Symphony, Milwaukee Symphony, Santa Rosa Symphony, Greensboro Symphony, Madison Symphony, New Mexico Philharmonic, Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra i Academia Teatro alla Scala. Nastupila je kao solistica na američkoj turneji s National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine i izvodila recitale u Savannah, Sunriver, Huntsville, Fort Worth, Carmel i Minneapolis, kao i u Portugalu, Poljskoj i Švedskoj.
U sezoni 2022–2023 nastupila je s Dallas Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony, Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria, nacionalnim simfonijskim orkestrom Irske i Colorado Symphony. Izvodila je recitale na Minnesota Beethoven Festivalu i International Piano Festival of Oeiras, kao i u Brnu i Mariánské Lázně, Češka; Virginia Beach; Chicago i San Francisco.
U sezoni 2023–2024 izvodi sva četiri klavirska koncerta i Rapsodiju na temu Paganinija s Austin Symphony i Virginia Symphony Orchestra, pojavljuje se s Češkom filharmonijom u nacionalnoj televizijskoj prijenosu i ide na turneju po Južnoj Africi i Aziji.
Godine 2012. Olga je osnovala Zakladu Kern „Aspiration“, koja podržava talentirane glazbenike širom svijeta.
Olgin diskografski opus uključuje snimku Harmonia Mundi klavirskog koncerta br. 1 Pjotr Iljiča Čajkovskog s Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra i Christopherom Seamanom; njezin Grammy-nominirani album s Rachmaninovljevim Variacijama na Corellijevu temu i drugim transkripcijama; i Chopinov Klavirski koncert br. 1 s Varšavskom filharmonijom i Antonijem Witom. Ostale značajne objave uključuju Chopinove klavirske sonate br. 2 i 3 te SONY-jev album s Rachmaninovljevim Sonatom za violončelo i klavir sa Sol Gabetta. Olga je 2022. godine objavila novi CD na etiketi Delos s Brahmsovim i Šostakovičevim kvartetima u izvedbi Dalí Kvarteta.
Istaknuta je u nagrađivanim dokumentarcima o Cliburn natjecanju 2001: The Cliburn: Playing on the Edge, They Came to Play i Olga’s Journey.
Olgine ikonične haljine dizajnirao je Alex Teih (New York), a nakit Alex Soldier (New York).
Informacije o ulaznicama dostupne na linku: www.hdsplit.hr
Location: Concert hall Hrvatski dom Split, Ive Tijardović Concert Hall
Time: August 27, 2024, at 8 PM
With a vivid onstage presence, dazzling technique, and keen musicianship, pianist Olga Kern is widely recognized as one of the great artists of her generation, captivating audiences and critics alike. She was born into a family of musicians and began studying piano at the age of five. At seventeen, she was awarded first prize at the Rachmaninoff International Piano Competition, and in 2001, she launched her U.S. career, winning a historic Gold Medal at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition—the only woman in the last 50 years to do so.
A Steinway Artist, Olga is a laureate of several international competitions. In 2016 she was Jury Chairman of both Cliburn International Amateur Piano Competition and the first Olga Kern International Piano Competition, where she also holds the title of Artistic Director. In December 2021, Olga was Jury Chairman of the 1st Chopin Animato International Piano competition in Paris, France. In coming seasons, she will continue to serve on the juries of several high-level competitions. Olga frequently gives masterclasses and since 2017 has served on the piano faculty of the Manhattan School of Music. Also in 2017, Olga received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor (New York City). In 2019, she was appointed the Connie & Marc Jacobson Director of Chamber Music at the Virginia Arts Festival.
Olga has performed with many prominent orchestras, including the St. Louis Symphony, Pacific Symphony, Baltimore Symphony, Detroit Symphony, and the National Symphony Orchestra (Washington, D.C.), as well as Czech Philharmonic, Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala, Pittsburgh Symphony, São Paulo Symphony Orchestra, Iceland Symphony, Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie, Tokyo’s NHK Symphony Orchestra, and Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra. She was also a featured soloist on U.S. tours with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra in 2018 and 2022, and during the 2017–2018 season, she served as Artist in Residence at the San Antonio Symphony.
Highlights of the 2021–2022 season included performances with the Austin Symphony, Palm Beach Symphony, Milwaukee Symphony, Santa Rosa Symphony, Greensboro Symphony, Madison Symphony, New Mexico Philharmonic, Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra, and Academia Teatro alla Scala. She appeared as a soloist on a U.S. tour with the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine and performed recitals in Savannah, Sunriver, Huntsville, Fort Worth, Carmel, and Minneapolis as well as in Portugal, Poland, and Sweden.
In the 2022–2023 season, she appeared with the Dallas Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony, Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria, Ireland’s National Symphony Orchestra, and Colorado Symphony. She performed recitals at the Minnesota Beethoven Festival and the International Piano Festival of Oeiras as well as in Brno and Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic; Virginia Beach; Chicago; and San Francisco.
In the 2023–2024 season, she performs Rachmaninoff’s four piano concertos and Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini with the Austin Symphony and with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, appears with the Czech Philharmonic on a nation-wide telecast, and tours South Africa and Asia.
In 2012, Olga established the Kern Foundation “Aspiration,” which supports talented musicians around the world.
Olga’s discography includes a Harmonia Mundi recording of the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and Christopher Seaman; her Grammy-nominated disc of Rachmaninoff’s Corelli Variations and other transcriptions; and Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Warsaw Philharmonic and Antoni Wit.
Other notable releases include Chopin’s Piano Sonatas Nos. 2 and 3, and SONY’s release of the Rachmaninoff Sonata for Cello and Piano with Sol Gabetta. Olga released a new CD in 2022 on the Delos label of Brahms and Shostakovich quintets with the Dalí Quartet.
She is featured in award-winning documentaries about the 2001 Cliburn Competition: The Cliburn: Playing on the Edge, They Came to Play, and Olga’s Journey.
Olga’s iconic dresses are designed by Alex Teih (New York), and her jewelry is designed by Alex Soldier (New York).
Ticket information available at: www.hdsplit.hr