Lokacija: Studenstki kampus Split (Cvite Viskovića 3)

Vrijeme: 21. siječnja - 2. ožujka 2025.



Kampus, Splitski Kampus pretvara se u pravu zimsku čaroliju! Na natkrivenom platou ispred zgrade triju fakulteta dostupno je klizalište koje će raditi tijekom veljače i prve polovice ožujka, ovisno o vremenskim uvjetima. 


Studenti mogu uživati u besplatnom klizanju, dok je za građane cijena termina 4 eura. U promotivnim terminima, radnim danima od 9 do 15 sati i vikendom od 9 do 10 sati, cijena je samo 2 eura! Klizalište će biti otvoreno od 09:00 do 22:00 sata.


Klizanje traje 45 minuta s početkom svakog punog sata. Uz ledene užitke, posjetitelji će moći uživati i u prigodnoj ponudi hrane i pića na kućicama. Planira se i posebno humanitarno klizanje za djecu i mlade, čime će ledena bajka dobiti još ljepšu dimenziju.


Izvucite šalove, rukavice i klizaljke te doživite čarobnu atmosferu Kampusa!





Location: Student Campus Split (Cvite Viskovića 3)  

Date:January 21 - March 2, 2025  


The Split Campus is transforming into a true winter wonderland! On the covered plateau in front of the building housing three faculties, an ice skating rink will be available during February and the first half of March, depending on weather conditions.  


Students can enjoy free skating, while the cost for citizens is 4 euros per session. During promotional periods, on weekdays from 9 AM to 3 PM and on weekends from 9 AM to 10 AM, the price is only 2 euros! The ice rink will be open from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM.  


Skating sessions last 45 minutes and start every full hour. In addition to icy fun, visitors will be able to enjoy a selection of food and drinks at the kiosks. A special humanitarian skating event for children and youth is also planned, adding an even more beautiful dimension to this winter fairy tale.  


Grab your scarves, gloves, and skates, and experience the magical atmosphere of the Campus!

