Lokacija: Ljetno kino Bačvice

Vrijeme: 6. - 7. rujna 2024.
Četvrti Split Tech City Festival održat će se 6. i 7. rujna 2024. u Ljetnom kinu Bačvice.
Split Tech City Festival okuplja poduzetnike, stručnjake i entuzijaste iz IT sektora.
Festival je pod organizacijskom palicom Split Tech Cityja i već četvrtu godinu donosi inspirativne priče u prekrasnom ambijentu Ljetnog kina Bačvice.
Prvi dan održat će se na hrvatskom, a drugi na engleskom jeziku.
Split Tech City Festival namijenjen je svima koji se žele profesionalno razvijati u tehnološkom sektoru, kao i onima koji se žele nadahnuti iskustvom uspješnih lidera.
Bez obzira na to jesi li tek na početku svog profesionalnog puta ili iza sebe imaš godine iskustva, na Festivalu ćeš dobiti novu vrijednost kroz znanje, inspiraciju i umrežavanje.
Ulaznice se mogu kupiti putem sustava Entrio.hr
Location: Open air cinema Bačvice

Date: September 6 - 7, 2024
The fourth Split Tech City Festival will take place on September 6 and 7, 2024, at the Bačvice Summer Cinema.
Split Tech City Festival brings together entrepreneurs, experts, and enthusiasts from the IT sector. Organized by Split Tech City, the festival returns for its fourth year to share inspiring stories in the beautiful setting of the Bačvice Summer Cinema.
The first day will be held in Croatian, and the second day in English.
Split Tech City Festival is intended for anyone looking to develop professionally in the tech sector, as well as those seeking inspiration from the experiences of successful leaders.
Whether you are just starting your professional journey or have years of experience behind you, the Festival will provide you with new value through knowledge, inspiration, and networking.
Tickets can be purchased through Entrio.hr.
