
Marjan è il primo simbolo della città di Spalato. ...


Il monte Marjan è il primo simbolo della città di Spalato. La natura ha intessuto i suoi pendii settentrionali per la maggior parte di calcare, mentre quelli meridionali sono di pietra, strati di marna e costa rocciosa. Dal confine orientale verso ovest, fino a punta San Giorgio (Sveti Jure), Marjan è lungo all’incirca 3,5 chilometri e largo 1,5 chilometri. Le sue tre cime, tre punti panoramici, posti a 125, 148 e 178 metri sul livello del mare, offrono una vista indimenticabile sulla città di Spalato, sulle isole che la circondano e sulla riviera di Kaštela con Solin e Trogir. Gli abitanti di Spalato iniziarono un’opera amorevole di rimboscamento nel 1852, piantandovi i primi pini, e nel 1903 fondarono l’Associazione Marjan che anche oggi è impegnata ad occuparsi della collina. Grazie ai suoi operosi cittadini del XIX secolo, Spalato va fiera del suo “polmone verde” che a tutte le generazioni di amanti di passeggiate offre pace e quiete, ricreazione e svago, nonché un gran numero di chiesette ed eremitaggi, sentieri naturali e piste da jogging. Un modesto giardino zoologico fa la gioia dei più piccoli.
Nel testamento del priore spalatino Petar, dell’ottavo secolo, per la prima volta viene menzionato il nome Marjan nella forma di Marulianus. Più tardi gli storici lo chiamarono Serra, Seranda, Murnanus, Kyrieleyson, Mernjan ecc.


Watchtower at Sedlo

Through the implementation of the EU project "Marjan 2020 - Hill of the Past, Oasis of the Future", the reconstruction and modernization of the existing watchtower at Sedlo (Marjan Forest Park) was initiated.

Following the reconstruction, the new watchtower at Sedlo has become an attractive and available feature for locals and visitors while continuing its primary function of fire surveillance and reporting. Unlike the previous inadequate structure that could not accommodate visitors, the new watchtower is equipped with an elevator and is fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Additionally, it includes restrooms and a space designed for the continuous presence of supervisory staff, ensuring maximum functionality and comfort.

This modernized tower offers visitors a unique experience of Marjan Forest Park and a panoramic view of Split and its surroundings. The watchtower is at an elevation of 148 meters above sea level. Entry to the new watchtower is free, and up to ten people can be present at the watchtower.

The official opening of the watchtower at Sedlo is scheduled for Saturday, September 7, at 10 a.m.

The watchtower will be open to visitors from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM until the end of September. After that, the opening hours will be adjusted according to daylight, and the watchtower will not be open at night or during adverse weather conditions.

The electric bus route now includes a stop at Sedlo, but please note that the bus will not go to the watchtower. The starting and final bus stop is in front of the Marjan Forest Park Visitor Center at Trumbićeva Obala 18, next to the stairs to Marjan. The bus departs at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 1:00 PM every weekday.

For more information about the visit to the watchtower at Sedlo, please get in touch with the Public Institution for the Management of Marjan Forest Park at and

We invite you to take this opportunity to visit the new attraction and enjoy the stunning views of Split!


As of Friday, April 30, 2021, the Marjan Park-Forest Visitor Center is opened.

Visitor Center content will make the Marjan Park-Forest closer to visitors, information about the park-forest more easily accessible, and ecological and cultural-educational programs better presented to the general public.

The center will present Marjan Park Forest as a double protected area and promote its cultural and natural heritage, both among the inhabitants of Split and its visitors. 

The address of the Visitor Center is Trumbićeva obala 18, 21000 Split.

Working hours: Monday - Friday 07:30 a.m. - 03:30 p.m.


