Lokacija: ŠC Gripe (Osječka 11)

Vrijeme: 16. - 17. studenog 2024.


U velikoj dvorani ŠC Gripe 16. i 17. studenoga održat će se  Dalmatian Dance Trophy, međunarodno natjecanje koje će okupiti sve plesne stilove iz brojnih klubova na području Hrvatske i inozemstva. Plesne discipline obuhvaćaju street dance, street show, hip hop, break dance, MTV/commercial, dance fitness, etno, cheerleading, pom pom, majorette, twirling, latin show, musical theatre, belly dance, caribean dance, acro, show dance, jazz dance, modern/contemporary, lyrical, ballet i open. Plesači su podijeljeni prema broju plesača i prema starosnim kategorijama.


Više o samom događaju saznajte na linku! 



Location: SC Gripe (Osječka 11)

Date: November 16-17, 2024


The Dalmatian Dance Trophy, an international competition that will gather all dance styles from numerous clubs across Croatia and abroad, will take place in the main hall of SC Gripe on November 16 and 17. Dance disciplines include street dance, street show, hip hop, breakdance, MTV/commercial, dance fitness, ethno, cheerleading, pom pom, majorette, twirling, Latin show, musical theatre, belly dance, Caribbean dance, acro, show dance, jazz dance, modern/contemporary, lyrical, ballet, and open. Dancers will be grouped by the number of performers and age categories.


Learn more about the event at the link!

