Međunarodno finale Plazma Sportskih igara mladih u Splitu 2024
Lokacija: Riva, Prokurative i Hrvatski dom
Vrijeme: 19. - 23. kolovoza 2024.
Međunarodno finale Plazma Sportskih igara mladih će se održati od 19. do 23. kolovozu u Splitu. Na Međunarodnoj završnici sudjelovat će predstavnici Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Slovenije i Hrvatske.
Sudionici Međunarodnog finala će biti prvoplasirane ekipe i pojedinci s državne završnice. Sportovi u kojim će se djeca natjecati su: mali nogomet, odbojka, rukomet, graničari, odbojka na pijesku, ulična košarka, tenis, stolni tenis, šah i atletika.
Sportske igre mladih u sklopu Svečanosti zatvaranja 28. sezone, uz tradicionalno prigodni program i koncert na Rivi, promociju sporta i sportskog načina života uveličat će dodatnim sportskim aktivnostima.
Osnovane u Splitu 1996. godine Igre danas djeluju u 4 države: Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Sloveniji te Srbiji, a ove je sezone na Igrama sudjelovalo više od 328.870 djece i mladih.
Program svečanog zatvaranja 28. sezone Sportskih igara mladih
22. kolovoza 2024. - Riva - 21 sat
Dvosatni koncert mladih glazbenika: Martina Kosovca, Ane Širić, Sergeja Božića i Natali Radovčić.
23. kolovoza 2024. - ALTA BANKA ALL-STAR SPORTS DAY
13.00 sati - Hrvatski dom
Proglašenje novih ambasadora Plazma Sportskih igara mladih – Šime Vrsaljko i Aleksandar Kolarov
18.30 sati - Riva
Revijalni turnir u šahu djeca međunarodni finalisti Igara zaigrat će šah protiv šahovskih velemajstora predvođenih Arkadyem Dvorkovichem, predsjednikom FIDE – Svjetske šahovske organizacije
19.30 sati - Riva
Sportsko-ekološki poligon Zero Waste – Budi dio igre – Čuvajmo naš planet
21.00 sat - Prokurative
Revijalna utakmica graničara – sudionici Međunarodne završnice zaigrat će graničar s ambasadorima i prijateljima Igara.
Više informacija dostupno na:
Location: Riva, Prokurative square and Concert hall Hrvatski dom
Date: August 19th - 23rd, 2024
The International Final of the Plazma Youth Sports Games will take place from August 19 to 23 in Split. Representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, and Croatia will participate in the International Finals.
The participants of the International Final will be the top-ranked teams and individuals from the national finals. The sports in which the children will compete include: mini football, volleyball, handball, dodgeball, beach volleyball, street basketball, tennis, table tennis, chess, and athletics.
As part of the Closing Ceremony of the 28th season of the Youth Sports Games, along with the traditional program and concert on the Riva, the promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle will be enhanced by additional sports activities.
Founded in Split in 1996, the Games now operate in four countries: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, and Serbia. This season, more than 328,870 children and young people participated in the Games.
Program for the Closing Ceremony of the 28th Season of the Youth Sports Games
August 22, 2024 - Riva - 9:00 PM
Two-hour concert featuring young musicians: Martin Kosovac, Ana Širić, Sergej Božić, and Natali Radovčić.
1:00 PM - Concert hall Hrvatski dom
Announcement of the new Plazma Youth Sports Games ambassadors: Šime Vrsaljko and Aleksandar Kolarov.
6:30 PM - Riva
Exhibition chess tournament: Children, who are international finalists of the Games, will play chess against chess grandmasters led by Arkady Dvorkovich, president of FIDE – the World Chess Organization.
7:30 PM - Riva
Sports-ecological course Zero Waste – Be Part of the Game – Let’s Protect Our Planet.
9:00 PM - Prokurative
Exhibition dodgeball match: Participants of the International Finals will play dodgeball with the Games’ ambassadors and friends.
More information are available at: