Lokacija: Hrvatski dom Split, koncertna dvorana Ive Tijardovića
Vrijeme: 26. kolovoza 2024, s početkom u 20.00 sati
Eric Lu osvojio je Prvu nagradu na Međunarodnom pijanističkom natjecanju u Leedsu 2018. godine u dobi od 20 godina. Sljedeće godine potpisao je ekskluzivni ugovor s Warner Classicsom i od tada surađuje s nekima od najprestižnijih orkestara na svijetu te nastupa na glavnim koncertnim pozornicama.
Nedavne i nadolazeće orkestralne suradnje uključuju Chicago Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Oslo Philharmonic, Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, Orchestre National de Lille, Finnish Radio Symphony, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony, Seattle Symphony, Helsinki Philharmonic, Royal Philharmonic, Tokyo Symphony, Shanghai Symphony na BBC Proms i druge. Dirigenti s kojima surađuje uključuju Riccarda Mutija, Mirgu Gražinytė-Tylu, Ryana Bancrofta, Marin Alsop, Duncana Warda, Vasilyja Petrenka, Edwarda Gardnera, Sir Marka Eldera, Thomasa Dausgaarda, Ruth Reinhardt, Earla Leeja, Kerema Hasana, Nunu Coehla, Dinisa Sousu i Martina Frӧsta.
Aktivan kao solist, nastupa na pozornicama uključujući Köln Philharmonie, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Queen Elizabeth Hall London, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Leipzig Gewandhaus, San Francisco Davies Hall, BOZAR Brussels, Fondation Louis Vuitton Paris, 92nd St Y, Aspen Music Festival, Seoul Arts Centre, Warsaw Philharmonic Hall i Sala São Paulo. U 2025. nastupa sedmu godinu zaredom na recitalu u Wigmore Hallu u Londonu. Također je pozvan sedmi put na varšavski festival 'Chopin i njegova Europa' te će debitirati na Festivalu La Roque-d'Anthéron.
Ericov treći album za Warner Classics objavljen je u prosincu 2022., sadrži Schubertove Sonate D. 959 i 784. Album je bio pohvaljen diljem svijeta, dobivši priznanje Instrumental Choice BBC Music Magazinea, koji je napisao: "Luova pozicija među današnjim Schubertovim izvođačima je potvrđena". Njegov prethodni album s Chopinovih 24 Preludija i Schumannovim Geistervariationenom ocijenjen je kao 'istinski magičan' od strane International Piano.
Rođen u Massachusettsu 1997. godine, Eric Lu prvi put je privukao međunarodnu pažnju kao laureat Chopinovog međunarodnog natjecanja 2015. godine u Varšavi s tek 17 godina. Također je osvojio Međunarodnu njemačku nagradu za klavir 2017. godine i Avery Fisher Career Grant 2021. godine. Eric je bio BBC New Generation Artist od 2019. do 2022. godine. Diplomirao je na Curtis Institute of Music, studirajući s Robertom McDonaldom i Jonathanom Bissom. Također je bio učenik Dang Thai Sona.
Informacije o ulaznicama dostupne na linku:
Location: Concert hall Hrvatski dom Split, Ive Tijardović Concert Hall
Time: August 26, 2024, at 8 PM
Eric Lu won First Prize at The Leeds International Piano Competition in 2018 at the age of 20. The following year, he signed an exclusive contract with Warner Classics, and has since collaborated with some of the world's most prestigious orchestras, and presented in major recital venues.
Recent and forthcoming orchestral collaborations include the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Oslo Philharmonic, Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, Orchestre National de Lille, Finnish Radio Symphony, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony, Seattle Symphony, Helsinki Philharmonic, Royal Philharmonic, Tokyo Symphony, Shanghai Symphony at the BBC Proms, amongst others. Conductors he collaborates with include Riccardo Muti, Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla, Ryan Bancroft, Marin Alsop, Duncan Ward, Vasily Petrenko, Edward Gardner, Sir Mark Elder, Thomas Dausgaard, Ruth Reinhardt, Earl Lee, Kerem Hasan, Nuno Coehlo, Dinis Sousa, and Martin Frӧst.
Active as a recitalist, he is presented on stages including the Köln Philharmonie, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Queen Elizabeth Hall London, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Leipzig Gewandhaus, San Francisco Davies Hall, BOZAR Brussels, Fondation Louis Vuitton Paris, 92nd St Y, Aspen Music Festival, Seoul Arts Centre, Warsaw Philharmonic Hall, and Sala São Paulo. In 2025, he is appearing for the 7th consecutive year in recital at Wigmore Hall London. He has also been invited for the 7th time to Warsaw's 'Chopin and his Europe Festival' and will debut at La Roque-d'Anthéron Festival.
Eric’s third album on Warner Classics was released in December 2022, featuring Schubert Sonatas D. 959 and 784. It was met with worldwide critical acclaim, receiving BBC Music Magazine’s Instrumental Choice, writing, “Lu’s place among today’s Schubertians is confirmed”. His previous album of the Chopin 24 Preludes, and Schumann’s Geistervariationen was hailed ‘truly magical’ by International Piano.
Born in Massachusetts in 1997, Eric Lu first came to international attention as a Laureate of the 2015 Chopin International Competition in Warsaw aged just 17. He was also awarded the International German Piano Award in 2017, and Avery Fisher Career Grant in 2021. Eric was a BBC New Generation Artist from 2019-22. He is a graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music, studying with Robert McDonald and Jonathan Biss. He was also a pupil of Dang Thai Son.
Ticket information available at: