Lokacija: Pazar Split
Vrijeme: otvaranje sezone 20. travnja, i subotama 4./11./18. svibnja
PLACe Market nacionalni je projekt turističke revitalizacije hrvatskih tržnica u večernjim satima. S obzirom dna to da su tržnice poznate kao trbuh grada, ovim projektom jednom tjedno navečer tržnice postaju prirodna pozornica na kojoj se prezentiraju gastro tradicija i ponuda gradova u kojima se odvija te se tako revitalizira tržnice kao mjesta okupljanja i druženja.
Od farme do stola, odnosno u ovom slučaju od polja do street fooda nit je vodilja projekta u koji su uključeni najvažniji nacionalni chefovi.
PLACe market obuhvaća više segmenata turističke ponude – kulturne, gastro, eno i zabavne te prezentira cjelokupnu hrvatsku tradiciju i naglašava vezu između tržnice i uslužnih dionika turizma te turista i domaćih gostiju.
PLACe market pomaže očuvanju autentičnosti svake hrvatske gastro regije te brendiranju Hrvatske kao gastronomske turističke destinacije.
PLACE market spada u globalnu kategoriju “night marketa” koji postoje diljem svijeta, a koji kombiniraju lokalne proizvode, lokalne proizvođače, lokalnu hranu, lokalnu kulturu, suvenire te lokalne ulične zabavljače i
Više informacija o projektu i izlagačima saznajte na linku i Facebook i Instagram profilima!
Location: Pazar (market) Split
Time: Opening of the season on April 20, and Saturdays May 4/11/18, 2024
PLACe Market is a national project of tourist revitalization of Croatian markets in the evening hours. Considering that markets are known as the belly of the city, with this project, once a week in the evening, markets become a natural stage where the gastronomic tradition and offerings of the cities are presented, thus revitalizing the markets as gathering and socializing places.
From farm to table, or in this case, from the field to street food, the guiding principle of the project involves the participation of the most important national chefs.
PLACe market encompasses multiple segments of tourist offerings – cultural, gastronomic, oenological, and entertainment – presenting the entire Croatian tradition and emphasizing the connection between the market and the service providers of tourism, as well as tourists and local guests.
PLACe market helps preserve the authenticity of each Croatian gastronomic region and brands Croatia as a gastronomic tourist destination.
PLACE market falls into the global category of "night markets" that exist around the world, combining local products, local producers, local food, local culture, souvenirs, as well as local street entertainers and performers.
For more information about the project and exhibitors, visit the link and the Facebook and Instagram profiles!