Lokacija: : Hotel Zagreb (Put Duilova 23)
Datum: 03. - 11. kolovoza 2024.
Šahovski klub Brda Split najavljuje 13. izdanje međunarodnog šahovskog turnira - Split Open: Šahovski Festival 2024!
Šahovski klub Brda najveći je organizator šahovskih turnira u ovom dijelu Europe. Već 11 godina organizira čuveni "Split Open", a od 2017. godine i sve popularniji amaterski turnir na otoku Šolti. Ovaj jedinstveni događaj okupit će vrhunske šahiste iz cijelog svijeta, a vi imate priliku biti dio ove izuzetne manifestacije.
Ukupni nagradni fond: 13.000€
Sve dodatne informacije o turniru, prijave na turnir i rezervaciju smještaja, možete naći na web stranici šahovskog kluba Split:
Kontakt e-mail:
Location: Hotel Zagreb (Put Duilova 23)
Date: August 3rd - 11th, 2024
Chess Club Brda Split proudly announces the 13th edition of the international chess tournament - Split Open: Chess Festival 2024!
Chess Club Brda is the foremost organizer of chess tournaments in this part of Europe. For the past 11 years, they have been hosting the renowned "Split Open" and, since 2017, an increasingly popular amateur tournament on the island of Šolta. This unique event will bring together top chess players from around the world, and you have the opportunity to be a part of this exceptional manifestation.
Total Prize Fund: €13,000
For all additional information about the tournament, registration, and accommodation reservations, please visit the Chess Club Split website:
Contact Email:
Join us for an unforgettable chess experience at the 13th Split Open - Chess Festival 2024!