Lokacija: Dom mladih
Vrijeme: 1.-31.12.2023.
Odličan novi program Doma mladih - evo što vas čeka u prosincu
Donosimo pregled bogatog programa Doma mladih za prosinac kojeg će kao i uvijek obilježiti suvremeni, progresivni i urbani sadržaji, a obzirom da je kraj godine neće nedostajati ni blagdanske atmosfere.
Prvu prosinačku subotu pridružite se rođendanskom radio maratonu i danu otvorenih vrata u radio prostoru KLFM-a (4. kat južne strane Doma mladih, iznad Razreda). U subotu 2. prosinca KLFM-ovci su uživo u studiju od 14 do 24 h s cjelodnevnim eklektičnim glazbenim i govornim programom u slobodnom stilu. KLFM otvara vrata novog prostora za sve slušatelje, slušateljice, prijatelje i prijateljice, te sve one koji su zainteresirani za radioaktiviranje.
Posljednje ovogodišnje izdanje programa Krovna tema u ponedjeljak 5.12. će ugostiti Ivicu Mitrovića s Odsjeka za dizajn vizualnih komunikacija Umjetničke akademije Sveučilišta u Splitu. Mitrović je dio tima i kustos diskurzivnog programa hrvatskog paviljona na ovogodišnjem 18. Venecijanskom bijenalu, međunarodnoj izložbi arhitekture, te suurednik knjige "Dizajn u suživotu – refleksije o sustavnim promjenama”. Program počinje u 18:30 sati u prostoru Razreda.
Izložbeni program u prosincu je itekako bogat. U četvrtak 7. prosinca u Galeriji MKC će se otvoriti izložba radova s Odsjeka za dizajn vizualnih komunikacija DVK 13-23. Sutradan, 8. prosinca u 19 sati otvorenje je izložbe Tanje Minarik u Galeriji Kluba Kocka. Više kanalna video instalacija “I think it’s a group of people flying kites in the rain” dokufikcijski je rad koji putem algoritama umjetne inteligencije rekonstruira godinu dana života umjetnice na osnovu fotografija iz mobitela, te kroz setove teksta, slike i videa obrađuje teme identiteta, migracjia i pripadanja.
U četvrtak 21. prosinca u 19 sati u Galeriji Kluba Kocka otvorit će se izložba Helene Janečić “Erotski Crteži”. Izložbu prati predstavljanje autoričine knjiga erotskih crteža, radionica sitotiska s motivima s crteža te glazbeni program.
Na samom kraju mjeseca, 28. prosinca u Galeriji MKC u 19 sati otvorit će se izložba ARBYTE 2.0 Interdisciplinarna suradnja umjetnika i umjetnica okupljenih u Arbajt Kolektiv koja je počela 2021. godine, a u središte zanimanja postavljaju odnos umjetnosti i rada kako bi razbili mitove o romantiziranom pogledu na umjetnički rad koji karakteriziraju prekarni radni uvjeti.
Kako zvuči kretanje, kako zvuče naši mišići, primarna su pitanja kojima se bavi plesna izvedba Together We Sound koju možete pogledati u utorak 12. prosinca u Amfiteataru Doma mladih. Ulaz je slobodan. Koreografija i izvedba: Koraljka Begović i Nastasja Štefanić Kralj.
U subotu 16. prosinca u 18 sati održat će se „ 4. Dječji Open stage“. Manifestacija je to u kojoj djeca, mali umjetnici, prezentiraju svoje kreativno stvaralaštvo iz područja izvedbenih umjetnosti u trajanju do 10 minuta. Program se sastoji od više kratkih točaka koje izvode pojedinci ili grupe. Mlađi od 18 godina koji imaju točku izvedbenog karaktera pozvani su da svojim stvaralaštvom obogate program, a za sudjelovanje se trebaju javiti udruzi Cirkus Kolektiv najkasnije do 9. prosinca.
Iz glazbenog programa kluba Kocka izdvajamo:
ST-ART 2023: Finalna večer & Dioniz (2.12.), EX-YU (6.12.), The Night Of The Living Goths (16.12.), Pulp pres. Djrum (2nd Drop Recordings) [London, Uk] (22.12.), Otpor Ulice: Atheist Rap + Špurijus (23.12.), Dirty Dancing (24.12.), Jungle Bells (25.12.). Naći će se u Kocki i drugog programa kao što su Projekcije kratkih filmova (18.12.) i posljednja ovogodišnja razmjena dobara - Bazâr (20.12.).
Iz bogatog edukacijskog programa izdvajamo:
Vježbenica za pokret i ples — stručni seminar (2.12.), Radionica kontorcionizma za početnike (3.12.), Nediljom u šest: Radionice društvenih plesova (3., 10., 17.12.), Besplatna radionica profesionalne dokumentarističke fotografije kazališnih predstava (10. - 13.12.), Ciklus vikend radionica / jesenski release (16. I 17.12.), Ciklus 4 / svjesnost i pokret: Istraživanje kontakta (17.12.).
Ovo je samo dio onoga šta vas čeka do kraja prosinca.
Cijeli program je dostupan na webu,
te na Facebook i Instagram profilima Doma mladih, a tu ćete naći i sve detalje o načinu prijave za sudjelovanje u radionicama.
Fotografije: Damira Kalajžić, PDM
Location: Youth Center
Time: December 1-31, 2023
Exciting new program at the Youth Center - here's what awaits you in December
We present an overview of the rich program at the Youth Center for December, which, as always, will be marked by contemporary, progressive, and urban content. Considering the end of the year, the festive atmosphere will not be lacking.
On the first Saturday of December, join the birthday radio marathon and open day at the radio space of KLFM (4th floor on the south side of the Youth Center, above the Classroom). On Saturday, December 2nd, KLFM will be live in the studio from 2 PM to 12 AM with an all-day eclectic music and talk program in a free style. KLFM opens the doors to the new space for all listeners, friends, and those interested in radio activation.
The last edition of this year's program, Roof Theme on Monday, December 5th, will host Ivica Mitrović from the Department of Visual Communication Design at the Arts Academy of the University of Split. Mitrović is part of the team and curator of the discursive program of the Croatian Pavilion at this year's 18th Venice Biennale, an international exhibition of architecture, and co-editor of the book "Design in Coexistence – Reflections on Systemic Changes." The program starts at 6:30 PM in the Classroom space.
The exhibition program in December is quite rich. On Thursday, December 7th, an exhibition of works from the Department of Visual Communication Design DVK 13-23 will open in the MKC Gallery. The next day, December 8th at 7 PM, the exhibition of Tanja Minarik will open in the Kocka Club Gallery. The multi-channel video installation "I think it's a group of people flying kites in the rain" is a docufiction work that, through artificial intelligence algorithms, reconstructs a year in the artist's life based on mobile phone photos. It processes themes of identity, migration, and belonging through sets of text, images, and videos.
On Thursday, December 21st, at 7 PM, the exhibition of Helena Janečić "Erotic Drawings" will open in the Kocka Club Gallery. The exhibition will be accompanied by the presentation of the author's book of erotic drawings, silk-screen printing workshops with motifs from the drawings, and a musical program.
At the end of the month, on December 28th, at 7 PM, the ARBYTE 2.0 exhibition will open in the MKC Gallery. It is an interdisciplinary collaboration of artists gathered in the Arbajt Collective that began in 2021, focusing on the relationship between art and work to break myths about the romanticized view of artistic work characterized by precarious working conditions.
How does movement sound? How do our muscles sound? These are the primary questions addressed by the dance performance "Together We Sound," which you can watch on Tuesday, December 12th, in the Youth Center Amphitheater. Admission is free. Choreography and performance: Koraljka Begović and Nastasja Štefanić Kralj.
On Saturday, December 16th, at 6 PM, the "4th Children's Open Stage" will take place. It is an event where children, young artists, present their creative work in the field of performing arts for up to 10 minutes. The program consists of several short acts performed by individuals or groups. Those under 18 with a performance character are invited to enrich the program with their creativity, and they should contact the Circus Collective association no later than December 9th to participate.
From the musical program of the Kocka Club, we highlight:
ST-ART 2023: Final Night & Dioniz (December 2), EX-YU (December 6), The Night Of The Living Goths (December 16), Pulp pres. Djrum (2nd Drop Recordings) [London, UK] (December 22), Resistance of the Street: Atheist Rap + Špurijus (December 23), Dirty Dancing (December 24), Jungle Bells (December 25). There will also be other programs at Kocka, such as Short Film Projections (December 18) and the last exchange of goods this year - Bazaar (December 20).
From the rich educational program, we highlight:
Exercise Book for Movement and Dance – Professional Seminar (December 2), Contortionism Workshop for Beginners (December 3), Sundays at Six: Social Dance Workshops (December 3, 10, 17), Free Workshop in Professional Documentary Photography of Theater Performances (December 10-13), Cycle of Weekend Workshops / Autumn Release (December 16 and 17), Cycle 4 / Awareness and Movement: Exploration of Contact (December 17).
This is just a part of what awaits you until the end of December.
The entire program is available on the website,
as well as on the Facebook and Instagram profiles of the Youth Center, where you will find all the details on how to apply to participate in the workshops.
Photos: Damira Kalajžić, PDM