Lokacija: Prokultura - Kuća jezika i kulture Peristil
Vrijeme: 30. listopada, u 19 sati
powered by OTP središnji je projekt Prokulture - Opservatorija kulturnih politika Split. Već četvrtu godinu taj jedinstveni galerijski prostor ugošćuje različite vidove stvaralaštva, pregnuća i umjetnosti, od vrhunskih akademskih imena, do mladih, djece, udruga amatera...Zajednički nazivnik svemu predstavljenom je podsjetiti na ljepotu središta vlastitoga Grada, vratiti u njega živost po kojoj je prepoznat do UNESCO-ve liste. To se radi zajedničkom sviješću o važnosti i vrijednosti očuvanog te posebno pojedinačnom posvećenošću i ljubavlju.
A to je upravo ono što gospodin Robert Belohradsky, nosi u svom stvaralaštvu. Nadareni umjetnik (franc. amateur što u prijevodu znači onaj koji voli) ovu je izložbu nazvao “Ona i Split”. Posvećena je ljepoti ženskog tijela i ljepoti Grada u kojem živi i stvara. U svojim djelima on žensko tijelo estetski čisto modelira naglašavajući fine nijanse njegova kolorita, senzualnosti i ljepote. Djela koja prikazuju motive grada Splita, nastajala u više razdoblja umjetnikova stvaralaštva, odišu istom ljubavlju i oduševljenjem. U svima dominira boja ostavljajući snažan dojam na likovnog promatrača.
Autor je izložio 32 eksponata u tehnici akril.
Robert Belohradsky, rođen je u Dubrovniku 1953. godine, gdje je završio osnovnu i srednju Pomorsku školu. Po zvanju je dipl.ing. elektrotehnike, diplomirao na F.E.S.B u Splitu. Radni vijek proveo je u Splitu i inozemstvu gdje je radio u struci do mirovine. Dugogodišnji je član Likovne udruge Emanuel Vidović te mu je ovo druga samostalna izložba. Sudjelovao je na više izložbi u organizaciji LUEV-a te na izložbi Božićnih jaslica 2020. godine u Staroj gradskoj vijećnici. Jedna od njegovih slika odabrana je za izložbu 37. Susreti likovnih stvaralaca u sklopu Hrvatskog sabora kulture 2021. godine. Strast za slikanjem Robert iskazuje još od rane mladosti, godinama samozatajno slika, a sada u zrelim godinama odlučio se svoja djela pokazati javno.
Facebook link:www.facebook.com/profile
Location: Prokultura - House of Language and Culture Peristil
Date and Time: October 30th, at 7:00 PM
Powered by OTP, this is the central project of Prokulture - the Cultural Policy Observatory in Split. For the fourth year, this unique gallery space has hosted various forms of creativity, efforts, and art, from top academic names to young individuals, children, and amateur associations. The common theme in everything presented is to remind us of the beauty of the heart of our city, to revive its vibrancy, for which it is recognized on the UNESCO list. This is achieved through a collective awareness of the importance and value of preservation, as well as individual dedication and love.
And this is precisely what Mr. Robert Belohradsky conveys through his work. A gifted artist (the French word "amateur" meaning someone who loves), he has named this exhibition "She and Split." It is dedicated to the beauty of the female body and the beauty of the city in which he lives and creates. In his works, he aesthetically molds the female body, emphasizing the fine nuances of its color, sensuality, and beauty. The pieces depicting the motifs of the city of Split, created over various periods of the artist's career, exude the same love and enthusiasm. Color dominates in all of them, leaving a strong impression on the art observer.
The author has displayed 32 exhibits in the acrylic technique.
Robert Belohradsky was born in Dubrovnik in 1953, where he completed his primary and secondary Maritime School. He holds a degree in electrical engineering and graduated from F.E.S.B in Split. He spent his working life in Split and abroad, working in his profession until retirement. He is a long-standing member of the Emanuel Vidović Art Association, and this is his second solo exhibition. He has participated in several exhibitions organized by the LUEV and in the exhibition of Nativity scenes in the Old City Hall in 2020. One of his paintings was selected for the exhibition at the 37th Meeting of Visual Artists as part of the Croatian Assembly of Culture in 2021. Robert has expressed his passion for painting since his early youth, painting quietly for years, and now, in his mature years, he has decided to showcase his works publicly.
Facebook link:www.facebook.com/profile