Lokacija:  Loggia, Centar za kulturu i cjeloživotno obrazovanje Zlatna vrata (Dioklecijanova 7)

Trajanje: 25. listopada - 17. studenoga 2023., otvorenje izložbe 25. listopada u 19 sati


Organizator Hrvatska udruga likovnih umjetnika- Split (HULU- Split) i Centar za kulturu i cjeloživotno obrazovanje Zlatna vrata 



Uz najavu nastavka suradnje HULU-a sa Centrom za kulturu i cjeloživotno obrazovanje Zlatna vrata i iduće godine, sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo na posljednju izložbu u ovogodišnjem ciklusu suvremene umjetnosti u galeriji Loggia.  Program zaključujemo izložbom 'Život pod velikim pritiskom,' mlade kiparice  Manuele Pauk.  Izložba se otvara u galeriji Loggia u srijedu, 25.10. u  19:00 h, a može se besplatno pogledati do 17.11. 2023. Kustosica izložbe je Jadranka Pintarić.


Ekološki projekt/ambijentalna instalacija „Život pod velikim pritiskom“ predstavlja skulpture morskih puževa, životinja koji žive u koraljima, na mjestu koje je jedno od najugroženijih ekološkom krizom. Izložba posjetitelju dopušta sagledavanje ambijenta pod svjetlom i u mraku.

"Neznatan, kao i mnoga morska bića – sve dok ne dođe vijest da su izumrla. Skrivena ljepota morskoga dna ovdje iz Manuelinih ruku u dva vida: na svjetlu da opazimo te nježne oblike, podatne, u raskoši boja; u mraku da svjetlucanjem pokažu svim neprijateljima koliko su opasni. Otrovom neprijatelja se naoružaju. Psihodelični kradljivci mora. Pipcima dodiruju, kušaju, njuše. Perjanica od škrge je poput periskopa. Na njihovu sreću – nisu nam na jelovniku, stoga nebitni. No, mogli bismo ih doživjeti sada kroz zemljanu formu oblikovane, ljudskom rukom oslikane kao bića više od želatinozne mase, bilo sićušna, bilo divovska (od vrste). Savršeno sjednu na dlan: "stopalom" za hranjenje."

(iz predgovora Jadranke Pintarić)


O umjetnici:

Manuela Pauk rođena je 1994. godine u Zagrebu, a odrasla je u Šibeniku. 2018. godine je diplomirala Kiparstvo na ALU u Zagrebu.  U svom radu kroz prostorne instalacije i skulpture istražuje odnos civilizacije i prirode.


Samostalne su joj izložbe Priroda i društvo u Galeriji Kazamat u Osijeku (s Anom Ratković Sobotom i Miom Marijević Akrap), Život pod velikim pritiskom u Galeriji Šira u Zagrebu (2022.), Žabe u Galeriji sv. Krševana u Šibeniku (s Tarom Beatom Racz, 2021.), Stari svijet u Galeriji Nest u Zagrebu (2020.), Kroj za kornjaču u Memorijalnoj zbirci Jozo Kljaković u Zagrebu (2020.), Ludički juriš u Galeriji Matice Hrvatske u Zagrebu (2019.) i Galeriji sv. Krševana u Šibeniku (2018.) i Muze u Knjižnici Marije Jurić Zagorke u Zagrebu (2018.). 

Bitnije skupne izložbe na kojima je izlagala su Trijenale kiparstva u Zagrebu (2022.), Bijenale keramike u Aveiru, Portugalu (2021.), Salon mladih, izložba Situacija u Galeriji Forum u Zagrebu (2020.), 90 days lockdown u Luxelakes galeriji u Chengdu, Kini (2020.), Narudžba je naša umjetnost u Garaži Kamba u Zagrebu (2019.) i 40. Splitski salon  u Splitu (2018.), gdje je bila među pet finalista za nagradu salona. Također je bila među pet finalista za nagradu za mlade umjetnike Zlatna lubenica (2022.). 


Drugi bitniji projekti su joj projekt Plastic sea turtle gdje je mentorirala studente Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu u produkciji skulpture kornjače od morskog otpada i izlaganje u sklopu festivala Okolo sa radom u javnom prostoru „Zastor se podiže“. Radovi „Adwaita“ i „Češer“ su joj otkupljeni kao dio zbirke Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog muzeja.


Više o izložbi na linku:hulu-split.hr/izlozbe/manuela-pauk-zivot-pod-velikim-pritiskom/



Location: Loggia, Center for Culture and Lifelong Education Zlatna Vrata (Diocletian's 7)

Duration: October 25 - November 17, 2023, exhibition opening on October 25 at 7:00 PM


Organized by the Croatian Association of Visual Artists - Split (HULU-Split) and the Center for Culture and Lifelong Education Zlatna Vrata



With the announcement of continued collaboration between HULU and the Center for Culture and Lifelong Education Zlatna Vrata next year, we are pleased to invite you to the final exhibition in this year's cycle of contemporary art at the Loggia gallery. The program concludes with the exhibition 'Life Under High Pressure' by the young sculptor Manuela Pauk. The exhibition opens at the Loggia gallery on Wednesday, October 25, at 7:00 PM and can be viewed for free until November 17, 2023. The curator of the exhibition is Jadranka Pintarić.


The ecological project/ambient installation "Life Under High Pressure" presents sculptures of marine snails, animals that live in coral reefs, in a place that is one of the most endangered by ecological crisis. The exhibition allows visitors to contemplate the environment in both light and darkness.


"Insignificant, like many sea creatures, until news comes that they have become extinct. The hidden beauty of the seabed, here from Manuela's hands, in two forms: in the light to observe these delicate, malleable forms, in a riot of colors; in the dark to show, by sparkling, how dangerous they are to all their enemies. They arm themselves with the poison of their enemies. Psychedelic sea thieves. They touch, taste, and smell with their antennas. Their gill appendage is like a periscope. Luckily for them, they are not on our menu, so they are inconsequential. However, we can now experience them in an earthly form, shaped by human hands, as beings more than a gelatinous mass, whether tiny or gigantic (depending on the species). They fit perfectly in the palm of your hand, 'foot' for feeding."

(from the preface by Jadranka Pintarić)


About the artist:

Manuela Pauk was born in 1994 in Zagreb and grew up in Šibenik. In 2018, she graduated in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Through her spatial installations and sculptures, she explores the relationship between civilization and nature.


Her solo exhibitions include "Nature and Society" at the Kazamat Gallery in Osijek (with Ana Ratković Sobota and Mia Marijević Akrap), "Life Under High Pressure" at the Šira Gallery in Zagreb (2022), "Frogs" at the St. Krševan Gallery in Šibenik (with Tara Beat Racz, 2021), "Old World" at the Nest Gallery in Zagreb (2020), "Pattern for a Tortoise" at the Jozo Kljaković Memorial Collection in Zagreb (2020), "Playful Rush" at the Matica Hrvatska Gallery in Zagreb (2019) and the St. Krševan Gallery in Šibenik (2018), and "Muse" at the Marija Jurić Zagorka Library in Zagreb (2018).


Some of the important group exhibitions where she has exhibited include the Sculpture Triennial in Zagreb (2022), the Ceramics Biennial in Aveiro, Portugal (2021), the Salon of Youth, the "Situation" exhibition at the Forum Gallery in Zagreb (2020), "90 Days Lockdown" at the Luxelakes Gallery in Chengdu, China (2020), "Order is Our Art" at the Kamba Garage in Zagreb (2019), and the 40th Split Salon in Split (2018), where she was among the five finalists for the salon award. She was also among the five finalists for the Young Artists Award "Zlatna Lubenica" (2022).


Other notable projects include her "Plastic Sea Turtle" project, where she mentored students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in producing a sea turtle sculpture from marine waste, and an exhibition as part of the Okolo festival with work in public space titled "The Curtain Rises." Her works "Adwaita" and "Češer" were acquired as part of the collection of the Croatian Natural History Museum.


More info on link:hulu-split.hr/izlozbe/manuela-pauk-zivot-pod-velikim-pritiskom/

