Lokacija: Stara gradska jezgra

Vrijeme: 20. - 22. listopada 2023.

Festival će obogatiti centar Splita svježim sadržajem i umjetničkim programom te tako stvoriti novu viziju i percepciju centra koji je sada obilježen turistifikacijom i  monokulturnim sadržajem
Od 20. do 22. listopada 2023. godine udruga Cirkus Kolektiv po prvi put organizira Split Calling - festival suvremenog cirkusa i umjetnosti na otvorenom.
Tijekom tri dana festivala koji će se održavati na odabranim lokacijama javnog prostora centra grada Splita ponudit će se bogati program koji za cilj ima stvaranje nove vizije i percepcije tih istih prostora obilježenih turistifikacijom, gentrifikacijom i monokulturnom transformacijom sadržaja. 
Program koji festival donosi pruža nove kvalitete i slojeve kojima će se obogatiti postojeći prostori. Split Calling je sinergija povijesnog graditeljskog nasljeđa i suvremene izvedbene umjetnosti - zajedničko postojanje i međusobno oplemenjivanje. 
Program obuhvaća četiri predstave i performanse različitih formata od čega su dva rada u nastajanju te dodatni umjetnički i edukacijski program, a ugostit će umjetnike suvremenog cirkusa i mnogih drugih umjetničkih disciplina grčkog, irskog, talijanskog, slovenskog i hrvatskog podrijetla. 
Osim formata predstava kakve će nam prikazati kolektiv Hands down Circus ili slovenski umjetnik Tjaž Juvan, predstavit će se i format performativne šetnje grčke umjetnice Anthi Kougia i hrvatske umjetnice Nikoline Majdak, a talijanski umjetnici će u sklopu partnerskog projekta “Solo but not alone” prikazati izvedbe radova u nastajanju. 
Dodatni umjetnički program obuhvaća predavanja u kojima će vizualna umjetnica Lana Stojićević i kustosica te suosnivačica Culture Hub Croatia Jasmina Šarić predstaviti svoje djelovanje i praksu u kontekstu javnog i privatnog prostora. Osim toga u subotu će se otvoriti izložba umjetničkih fotografija projekta “Touristas” nastala u suradnji s vizualnim umjetnikom Darkom Škrobonjom. Edukacijski program će ponuditi dvije masterclass radionice u disciplinama partnerske akrobatike, stojeva i žongliranja. 
Program dostupan na linku: www.visitsplit.com
Location: Old Town Center

Duration: October 20 - 22, 2023.
The festival will enrich the center of Split with fresh content and artistic programs, creating a new vision and perception of a center that is currently marked by tourism and a monolithic cultural scene.
From October 20 to 22, 2023, the Circus Collective Association is organizing Split Calling for the first time - a festival of contemporary circus and open-air art.
Over three days, the festival, held at selected locations in the public spaces of the city center of Split, will offer a rich program with the aim of creating a new vision and perception of these spaces marked by tourism, gentrification, and the transformation of monolithic content.
The program that the festival brings provides new qualities and layers that will enrich existing spaces. Split Calling is the synergy of historical architectural heritage and contemporary performing arts - their coexistence and mutual enrichment.
The program includes four shows and performances of various formats, including two works in progress, as well as additional artistic and educational programs. It will host artists from the contemporary circus and various other artistic disciplines of Greek, Irish, Italian, Slovenian, and Croatian origin.
In addition to the show formats that will be presented by the Hands down Circus Collective and Slovenian artist Tjaž Juvan, there will also be a performative walk format by Greek artist Anthi Kougia and Croatian artist Nikolina Majdak. As part of the partner project "Solo but not alone," Italian artists will present performances of works in progress.
The additional artistic program includes lectures in which visual artist Lana Stojićević and curator and co-founder of Culture Hub Croatia Jasmina Šarić will present their work and practice in the context of public and private spaces. Additionally, on Saturday, there will be an exhibition of artistic photographs from the "Touristas" project created in collaboration with visual artist Darko Škrobonja. The educational program will offer two masterclass workshops in partner acrobatics, handstands, and juggling.
Program available on link: www.visitsplit.com
