Lokacija: Galerija umjetnina (Ulica kralja Tomislava 1)
Vrijeme: 17.listopada - 26.studenog 2023.
Kustosica: Marija Stipišić Vuković
Panorame stalnog kretanja naziv je izložbe Gordane Bakić, jedne od zanimljivijih slikarica srednje generacije na hrvatskoj likovnoj sceni, koja će se po prvi puta predstaviti splitskoj publici sa dvadesetak recentnih slikarskih ostvarenja. U proteklih trideset godina konstantnim radom uvjerljivo je potvrdila svoj umjetnički identitet, ali i sposobnosti njegova neprestanog nadograđivanja. Njezin prepoznatljiv rukopis pri oblikovanju perfektno dorađenih slika, izraženo velikih dimenzija, inspiriran je prirodom i organskim formama i strukturama, kao i tehničkim/tehnološkim te arhitektonskim rekvizitorijem. Čitava površina radova ispunjena je vibrantnošću linije, neprekidnim kretanjem minucioznih, multipliciranih formi, izmjenama ritma crtovlja i oblika u prikazu zgusnutom do maksimalne zasićenosti. U stvaralačkom procesu, Bakić ostvaruje razigrane imaginarne zemljovide nekog, prije svega višeg stanja svijesti, a ne kakve realne topografije. Znalački i pripremljeno pristupa činu slikanja što je razvidno iz samog djela, iz svih sastavnica koje ga sačinjavaju. Slike su promišljene u svim aspektima svoje pojavnosti: konceptualnoj, izvedbenoj, likovnoj i ikonološkoj. Svakoj dionici stvaralačke prakse autorica pristupa s punom sviješću o baštini kojoj pripada, ali i sa samosviješću osobe koja jezičnu konvenciju slikarstva rabi na individualan način.
Gordana Bakić rođena je 28. ožujka 1972. godine u Zagrebu. Godine 1986. u rodnome gradu upisuje Školu primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna, a maturira 1990. na smjeru grafičkog dizajna. Iste godine upisuje na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu studij Likovna kultura na Nastavničkom odsjeku. Diplomirala je u klasi prof. Zlatka Kesera 2001. godine. Od 2002. do 2012. zaposlena je u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Zagrebu kao kazališna slikarica, radeći na oslikavanju scenografija. 2006. upisuje poslijediplomski studij na Akademiji za likovnu umetnost in oblikovanje u Ljubljani, smjer Slikarstvo (mentor prof. Bojan Gorenec) i video (mentor prof. Srečo Dragan), a magistrirala je 2011. s temom „ Strukturiranje cjeline autorecikliranjem“. Od 2012. zaposlena je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Izlagala na više od 30 samostalnih i 70 skupnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Živi i radi u Zagrebu.
Web stranica: www.galum.hr
Location: Gallery of Fine Arts (Ulica kralja Tomislava 1)
Dates: October 17th - November 26th, 2023.
Curator: Marija Stipišić Vuković
The exhibition titled Panoramas of permanent movement by Gordana Bakić, one of the more intriguing painters of the middle generation on the Croatian art scene, shows twenty recent artworks and is the first presentation of this artist’s work in Split. Over the past thirty years, through constant work, she has convincingly affirmed her artistic identity and her ability to continuously evolve it. Her distinctive style in shaping meticulously crafted, large-scale paintings is inspired by nature and organic forms and structures, as well as characteristic technical/technological and architectural features. The entire surface of her works is filled with vibrant lines, continuous movement of intricate, multiplied forms, and changes in the rhythm of the lines and shapes, reaching a maximum level of saturation. In her creative process, Bakić creates imaginative landscapes of a higher state of consciousness rather than any real topography. She approaches the act of painting with expertise and preparedness, as evident in the artwork itself and in all its components. The paintings are thoughtful in all aspects of their appearance: conceptual, performative, visual, and iconological. The artist approaches every aspect of her creative practice with a full awareness of the tradition to which she belongs, but also with self-awareness as someone who employs the stylistic conventions of painting in an individual way.
Gordana Bakić was born on 28 March 1972, in Zagreb. In 1986, she enrolled in the School of Applied Arts and Design in her hometown, graduating in 1990 with a focus on graphic design. In the same year, she began her studies in Visual Culture (Department of Art Education) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She completed her undergraduate degree in the class of Prof. Zlatko Keser in 2001. From 2002 to 2012, she worked as a theatre painter at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, where she worked on painting the stage sets. In 2006, she enrolled in the postgraduate program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, specialising in Painting (mentored by Prof. Bojan Gorenec) and Video (mentored by Prof. Srečo Dragan). She earned her master’s degree in 2011 with a thesis titled “Structuring the Whole through Self-Recycling.” Since 2012, she has been employed at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She has staged over 30 solo exhibitions and has participated in 70 group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. Lives and works in Zagreb.
Web site: www.galum.hr