Lokacija: Prokultura - Opservatorij kulturnih politika - Split (Poljana kraljice Jelene 1)
Vrijeme:17. listopada 2023., početak u 12:00 sati
Prokultura – Kuća jezika i kulture Peristil powered by OTP ponovno ugošćuje Veleposlanstvo Irske u Hrvatskoj. Ovaj put riječ je o edukativnoj izložbi „Irska i rađanje Europe“, posvećenoj isticanju vlastite uloge u izgradnji današnje Europe.
Irska se pridružila Europskoj ekonomskoj zajednici, preteči Europske unije još 1973. godine, no njezino sudjelovanje u razvoju europskih identiteta datira više od tisuću godina unatrag. Nakon raspada Rimskog Carstva na Zapadu, Europljani su gradili na njegovim temeljima kako bi razvili vlastitu kulturu i identitet. Ovom izložbom predstavlja se velika i važna uloga Iraca u tom velikom pothvatu.
Sveti Kolumbanus bio je prvi od irskih misionara i učenjaka koji su se udomili na kontinentu i oko 600. godine postao prvi koji je napisao "cijela Europa" (totius Europae). On i njegovi sljedbenici pridonijeli su oblikovanju europske baštine koju Irska razvija i danas.
Dr. Damian Bracken sa Sveučilišta Cork i dr. Angela Byrne iz Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Irske su istraživali, napisali i kurirali izložbu koja obilazi Europu i svijet. Grafički dizajn izložbe uradio je Studio Suss.
Uz prezentaciju Irske, izložbu će u utorak, 17. listopada u 12 sati otvoriti gospođa Frances, O’Donovan, zamjenica šefa misije Veleposlanstva Irske.
Location: Prokultura - Observatory of Cultural Policies - Split (Poljana kraljice Jelene 1)
Date: October 17, 2023, starting at 12:00 PM
Prokultura - House of Language and Culture Peristil powered by OTP is once again hosting the Embassy of Ireland in Croatia. This time, it's an educational exhibition titled "Ireland and the Birth of Europe," dedicated to highlighting Ireland's role in the construction of modern-day Europe.
Ireland joined the European Economic Community, a precursor to the European Union, as early as 1973, but its involvement in the development of European identities dates back over a thousand years. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Europeans built upon its foundations to develop their own culture and identity. This exhibition showcases the significant and vital role played by the Irish in this great endeavor.
Saint Columbanus was the first of the Irish missionaries and scholars who settled on the continent, and around 600 A.D., he became the first to write "whole Europe" (totius Europae). He and his followers contributed to shaping the European heritage that Ireland continues to cultivate today.
Dr. Damian Bracken from the University of Cork and Dr. Angela Byrne from the Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs have researched, written, and curated the exhibition, which travels throughout Europe and the world. The exhibition's graphic design was done by Studio Suss.
In addition to the presentation on Ireland, the exhibition will be opened on Tuesday, October 17 at 12:00 PM by Mrs. Frances O'Donovan, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Ireland.