Lokacija: Dom mladih Split (Ulica Slobode 28)

Vrijeme: 4. - 7. listopada 2023.
U srijedu u Domu mladih Split počinje jedanaesto izdanje festivala nezavisne kulture PLATFORMAT 2023. i trajat će do subote 7. listopada. 
PLATFORMAT će tijekom četiri dana predstaviti umjetnički, edukativni, glazbeni i zabavni program Doma mladih, a velika većina programa je besplatna.
“Iako je tijekom godina jako mijenjao format, trajanje i količinu involviranosti svih uključenih, PLATFORMAT, kao i pred jedanaest godina, nastavlja obilježavati tu snagu nezavisne kulturne scene da se drži čvrsto i s jasnim pravcem naprijed unatoč svim bočnim, stražnjim i frontalnim naletima tijekom godina na svaki segment njenog rada. ” - rekla nam je Antonia Vuletić, predsjednica Platforme Doma mladih, udruge koja je organizator festivala.
To je vidljivo i iz ovogodišnjeg vizualnog identiteta festivala (dizajn Segora Garbera) koji se referira na nevjerojatnu izdržljivost žohara i tako jako slikovito prikazuje koliko ukupna nezavisna kulturna scena mora biti izdržljiva da bi opstala unutar pravnih, financijskih, administrativnih, institucijskih i svih ostalih okvira koji nisu up-to-date s promjenama u kulturi i koji joj ne rade u korist.
Zato nije slučajnost da se PLATFORMAT otvara tribinom koja će predstaviti smjernice razvoja kulturne politike vezane za infrastrukturu za kulturu i društvene aktivnosti. Tribina će se održati u prostoru Razreda u Domu mladih u srijedu 4. listopada u 13 sati i svi su pozvani sudjelovati, a svoj dolazak najavili su i gradonačelnik Ivica Puljak i Marina Kuzmanić Petreš, voditeljica odsjeka za kulturu.
Antonia Vuletić je dodala: “Ono što PLATFORMAT slavi i što treba naglasiti je da entuzijazam, volja, ambicija i neoboriva težnja za suvremenim i slobodnim djelovanjem su apsolutno otporni i beskompromisno će uvijek pomicati granice kako na malom mjerilu, tako i na puno većem.”
Posjetitelje tijekom PLATFORMATA očekuje raznovrstan program, a iako će festival započeti ozbiljnim temama, organizatori jamče i puno druženja i plesa. U petak se nakon ljetne pauze otvara klub Kocka uz koncerte bandova Mašinko i SIČ (Stranci i Čudaci), dok je u subotu drag performans koji će vas uvesti u party koji slijedi nakon. Cijeli program pogledajte u nastavku.

  • 13:00 - Predstavljanje smjernica za unapređenje kulturnih politika - Razred
  • 14:00 - Participativna radionica sitotiska - Terasa Trokut 
  • 14:00 - KLFM live - Terasa Trokut

  • 08:00 - KUMovanje@KLFM radio 
  • 19:00 - NMG@PRAKTIKA_Martina Miholić: Gallery of Floating Archipelagos, izložba - Galerija kluba Kocka 
  • 21:00 - Ubijmo dosadu: projekcija hrvatskih kratkih filmova - Dvorište 
  • 22:00 - Glazba u dvoru - Dvorište
PETAK 6.10. 
  • 18:00 -Uzgoj vlastite hrane korištenjem biootpada, predavanje - Dvorište 
  • 18:00 - Bazar - Plato
  • 19:00 - NMG@PRAKTIKA_Martina Miholić: Gallery of Floating Archipelagos, izložba - Galerija kluba Kocka 
  • 21:00 - Otvorenje Kocke: Mašinko + SIČ (Stranci i Čudaci), live - Klub Kocka 
SUBOTA 7.10. 
  • 10:00 - Nikolina Komljenović&Ivana Vratarić: Koji_a si ti planet_a?, radionica za djecu - Mala scena 
  • 18:00 -Nikolina Komljenović: Koji_a si ti planet_a?, plesna predstava - Mala scena 
  • 19:00 - Cirkviz, kviz znanja - Razred
  • 19:00 -  NMG@PRAKTIKA_Martina Miholić: Gallery of Floating Archipelagos, izložba - Galerija kluba Kocka 
  • 22:00 - ZVJERINJAK/Dance, Otherwise We’re Lost’ All Night, drag performans OBJEKT PLESA + party - Klub Kocka
Platformat se održava pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske i Grada Splita. Platformu Doma mladih podržavaju Zaklada Kultura nova i Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnog društva.
Više info na: dom-mladih.org
Location: Youth Center Split (Ulica Slobode 28)
Date: October 4th - October 7th, 2023
On Wednesday, the eleventh edition of the independent culture festival PLATFORMAT 2023 will kick off at the Youth Center Split and will last until Saturday, October 7th.
PLATFORMAT will present an artistic, educational, musical, and entertaining program at the Youth Center over the course of four days, with the majority of the programs being free of charge.
"Despite changes in format, duration, and the level of involvement of all participants over the years, PLATFORMAT, just like eleven years ago, continues to celebrate the strength of the independent cultural scene, holding firm with a clear direction forward despite all the challenges it has faced in terms of legal, financial, administrative, institutional, and other frameworks that have not kept pace with cultural changes and have not been in its favor," said Antonia Vuletić, the president of the Youth Center's Platform, the organization behind the festival.
This is evident from this year's visual identity of the festival (designed by Segor Garber), which references the incredible resilience of cockroaches, vividly depicting how the overall independent cultural scene must be resilient to survive within legal, financial, administrative, institutional, and other frameworks that are not up-to-date with cultural changes and do not work in its favor.
Therefore, it is not coincidental that PLATFORMAT opens with a panel discussion that will present the guidelines for the development of cultural policies related to cultural infrastructure and social activities. The panel will take place in the Classroom at the Youth Center on Wednesday, October 4th, at 1 pm, and everyone is invited to participate, including Mayor Ivica Puljak and Marina Kuzmanić Petreš, the head of the cultural department.
Antonia Vuletić added: "What PLATFORMAT celebrates and what needs to be emphasized is that enthusiasm, will, ambition, and an unwavering desire for contemporary and free action are absolutely resilient and will always push boundaries, both on a small scale and on a much larger one."
Visitors to PLATFORMAT can expect a diverse program, and while the festival will start with serious topics, organizers guarantee plenty of socializing and dancing. On Friday, the Kocka club will reopen after a summer break with concerts by the bands Mašinko and SIČ (Stranci i Čudaci), followed by a drag performance and a party on Saturday. See the full program below.
  • 1 pm - Presentation of guidelines for improving cultural policies - Classroom
  • 2 pm - Participatory screen printing workshop - Terrace Trokut
  • 2 pm - KLFM live - Terrace Trokut
  • 8 am - KUMovanje@KLFM radio
  • 7 pm - NMG@PRAKTIKA_Martina Miholić: Gallery of Floating Archipelagos, exhibition - Kocka Club Gallery
  • 9 pm - Let's Kill Boredom: Screening of Croatian short films - Courtyard
  • 10 pm - Music in the Courtyard - Courtyard
  • 6 pm - Cultivating Your Own Food Using Biowaste, lecture - Courtyard
  • 6 pm - Bazaar - Plaza
  • 7 pm - NMG@PRAKTIKA_Martina Miholić: Gallery of Floating Archipelagos, exhibition - Kocka Club Gallery
  • 9 pm - Kocka Club Opening: Mašinko + SIČ (Stranci i Čudaci), live - Kocka Club
  • 10 am - Nikolina Komljenović&Ivana Vratarić: Which Planet Are You?, children's workshop - Small Stage
  • 6 pm - Nikolina Komljenović: Which Planet Are You?, dance performance - Small Stage
  • 7 pm - Cirkviz, knowledge quiz - Classroom
  • 7 pm - NMG@PRAKTIKA_Martina Miholić: Gallery of Floating Archipelagos, exhibition - Kocka Club Gallery
  • 10 pm - ZVJERINJAK/Dance, Otherwise We’re Lost’ All Night, drag performance OBJEKT PLESA + party - Kocka Club
PLATFORMAT is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and the City of Split. The Youth Center's Platform is supported by the Kultura nova Foundation and the National Foundation for Civil Society Development.
Više info na: dom-mladih.org


