HRVATSKI DOM SPLIT: Monika Leskovar, violončelo & Zadarski komorni orkestar
Lokacija: Hrvatski dom Split - Svečana dvorana (Tončićeva 1, 21000 Split)
Vrijeme: 18. listopada 2023., srijeda u 19.30 sati
Na svom koncertu u Hrvatskom domu Split jedna od najtraženijih hrvatskih koncertnih solistica, violončelistica Monika Leskovar, odabire raznolik program i suradnju s još jednim istaknutim violončelistom, Branimirom Pustičkim te Zadarskim komornim orkestrom. Talijanska serenada Huga Wolfa i Holberg suita Edvarda Griega, dva klasika gudačkog orkestralnog repertoara, toplom nostalgičnom notom daju okvir putovanju do baroka i natrag u romantizam, sve do izleta u 21. stoljeće.
Koncert za dva violončela djelo je koje se rijetko može čuti na domaćim koncertnim pozornicama, snažnog je dramskog potencijala koji Vivaldi crpi iz tamnih boja dvaju dubokih solističkih gudača. Za dva violončela i gudače je i skladba Violloncelles, Vibrez!, jednog od najprepoznatljivijih suvremenih skladatelja, Giovannija Sollime, čija se djela se odlikuju snažnom izražajnošću i sviračkom atraktivnošću. Prvi od pet Haydnovih koncerata za violončelo, u C-duru, jedno je od istinskih remek-djela svoga tvorca, ispunjen šarolikošću još uvijek rane, pretklasične koncertne forme i svježinom i obiljem tematskog materijala, koji u galantnoj igri i nizu bravura dijele i izmjenjuju solist i orkestar.
H.Wolf talijanska serenada
Haydn Koncert za violoncelo i orkestar C dur
Vivaldi Koncert za 2 cela i orkestar
Sollima Vibreze 2 cella
Grieg: Holberg suita
Više o samom događaju na linku
Ulaznice dostupne na adriaticket.com
Location: Concert hall Hrvatski dom Split - Grand Hall (Tončićeva 1, 21000 Split)
Date: October 18, 2023, Wednesday at 7:30 PM
In her concert at the Croatian Home Split, one of the most sought-after Croatian concert soloists, cellist Monika Leskovar, chooses a diverse program and collaborates with another prominent cellist, Branimir Pustički, and the Zadar Chamber Orchestra. Hugo Wolf's Italian Serenade and Edvard Grieg's Holberg Suite, two classics of the string orchestra repertoire, frame the journey from the Baroque to Romanticism with a warm and nostalgic touch, all the way to an excursion into the 21st century.
The Concerto for Two Cellos is a rare gem that is seldom heard on domestic concert stages, with a strong dramatic potential that Vivaldi draws from the dark colors of the two deep solo strings. Also, for two cellos and strings is the composition "Violloncelles, Vibrez!" by one of the most recognizable contemporary composers, Giovanni Sollima, whose works are characterized by strong expressiveness and player appeal. The first of Haydn's five cello concertos, in C major, is one of the true masterpieces of its creator, filled with a variety of early, pre-classical concerto forms and freshness and richness of thematic material, which are shared and exchanged between the soloist and the orchestra in a gallant play and a series of virtuosic passages.
H. Wolf: Italian Serenade
Haydn: Cello Concerto in C Major
Vivaldi: Concerto for 2 Cellos and Orchestra
Sollima: Violloncelles, Vibrez! (2 Cellos)
Grieg: Holberg Suite
For more details about the event, please visit the provided link.
Tickets are available on adriaticket.com.