HRVATSKI DOM SPLIT: Komorni orkestar „Tijardović“ – Split
Lokacija: Hrvatski dom Split - Svečana dvorana (Tončićeva 1, 21000 Split)
Vrijeme: 12. listopada 2023., četvrtak u 19.30 sati
Dirigent: Hari Zlodre
Novoosnovani Komorni orkestar „Tijardović“ - Split svojim prvim koncertom otvara novo poglavlje glazbenog života grada Splita. U obliku koncertantne, simfonijske i komorno-orkestralne izvedbe te kao podrška brojnim splitskim solistima i gostujućim glazbenicima – to su nebrojene mogućnosti koje otvara postojanje stalnog orkestra! Ime Ive Tijardovića u sebi nosi ideju o raznovrsnosti djelovanja koje orkestar želi razgranati. Ono nije samo hommage velikom splitskom skladatelju već i svojevrstan simbol težnji novog ansambla.
Orkestar je osnovan na inicijativu nekoliko glazbenih entuzijasta u Splitu, prvenstveno ravnateljice Hrvatskog doma Split, Vanese Kleva, a na čelu je orkestra dirigent Hari Zlodre. Na svom prvom koncertu Komorni orkestar „Tijardović“ izvodi djela W. A. Mozarta, C. Debussyja, E. Elgara, O. Respighija, R. Wagnera i A. Schönberga.
Više o samom događaju na linku
Ulaznice dostupne na adriaticket.com
Location: Concert hall Hrvatski dom Split - Grand Hall (Tončićeva 1, 21000 Split)
Date: October 12, 2023, Thursday at 7:30 PM
Conductor: Hari Zlodre
The newly formed Chamber Orchestra "Tijardović" - Split is opening a new chapter in the musical life of the city of Split with its first concert. In the form of concertante, symphonic, and chamber orchestral performances, as well as in support of numerous soloists from Split and guest musicians, it offers countless possibilities that come with the existence of a permanent orchestra! The name of Ivo Tijardović carries with it the idea of diverse activities that the orchestra wants to expand upon. It is not just a homage to the great Split composer but also a symbol of the aspirations of the new ensemble.
The orchestra was founded on the initiative of several music enthusiasts in Split, primarily by the director of the Croatian Home Split, Vanesa Kleva, and is led by conductor Hari Zlodre. In its first concert, the Chamber Orchestra "Tijardović" performs works by W. A. Mozart, C. Debussy, E. Elgar, O. Respighi, R. Wagner, and A. Schönberg.
More about the event at the link.
Tickets available on adriaticket.com.