Trajanje: 4. - 8. listopada 2023.
Festival Taste the Mediterranean jedinstveni je događaj u cilju promicanja mediteranske prehrane, naročito hrane, kulture, tradicije, proizvoda i načina života koji su se razvili tijekom stoljeća duž obala ovog čarobnog mora u srcu Europe. Iz godine u godinu Festival privlači brojne posjetitelje i turiste, te postaje nezaobilazno mjesto okupljanja međunarodnih F&B stručnjaka, chefova, proizvođača, nutricionista, novinara, te zaljubljenika u mediteransku hranu. Festival je idealno mjesto za razmjenu iskustava, za stvaranje poslovnih kontakata, te predstavljanje i promoviranje destinacije.
Festival Taste the Mediterranean, kao kulturni i gurmanski događaj, predstavlja različite aspekte mediteranske prehrane kroz niz radionica, izložbi, okruglih stolova, jedinstvenih mediteranskih večera,kulinarskih prezentacija, vinskih degustacija i drugih događaja.
Ekskluzivni program festivala pružit će vam priliku da okusite mediteranske okuse i način života. Degustacije hrane i vina, radionice, paneli i četveroručne večere u najboljim splitskim restoranima koje će zajedno pripremati vrhunski hrvatski i međunarodni chefovi.
Više informacija o 11. izdanju Festivala Taste the Mediterranean dostupno je na http://www.tastethemediterranean.eu/program.
Duration: October 4 - October 8, 2023
Taste the Mediterranean Festival – a unique gourmet and cultural event that aims to promote the Mediterranean Diet, in particular food, culture, traditions, products, and lifestyle developed during the centuries along the coasts of the magic Mediterranean Sea. The Festival, attracting many visitors and tourists, is becoming the annual meeting point for international F&B professionals, chefs, producers, nutritionists, journalists, and foodies from all the Mediterranean regions. It is a perfect place to taste the Mediterranean in all possible aspects. Festival Taste the Mediterranean, as a cultural and gastronomic event, presents the various aspects of the Mediterranean diet through a series of workshops, exhibitions, panel discussions, unique Mediterranean dinners, culinary presentations, wine tastings, and other events.
The unique Mediterranean festival takes place in Split, with its 1700-year-old Palace of the Roman emperor Diocletian, a renowned UNESCO site. The Festival offers an exclusive program of food and wine tastings, workshops, panel discussions, and four-hand Mediterranean dinners in the best local restaurants, prepared by top Croatian and International chefs.
More information on the 11th edition of the Festival is available at http://www.tastethemediterranean.eu/programme.