U kreativnom hub-u Prostor, u organizaciji Platforme “Culture Hub Croatia” u petak, 25. kolovoza u 20:00 otvorit će se izložba “Endless Becomings”, umjetnika Pavla Mijuce. Izložba ostaje otvorena do 20. rujna, a moći će se pogledati radnim danom od 10 do 19 sati.


“Endless Becomings” prva je samostalna izložba mladog umjetnika Pavla Mijuce koji će se u Prostoru predstaviti serijom radova koji se fokusiraju na nagli razvoj obale pod utjecajem (masovnog) turizma, apartmanizacije i betonizacije, kao i posljedica korupcije, gentrifikacije i bespravne gradnje. Najrecentniji od njih, a koji je razvio u sklopu studija na Sandberg Institutu u Amsterdamu, rad je koji istražuje i analizira fenomen obalnog razvoja na primjerima Scheveningen Bada u Nizozemskoj i Žnjana u Hrvatskoj, suprotstavljajući povijesti obaju pomorskih dobara, ali i nastojeći otkriti njihove sličnosti i specifičnosti. Referirajući se na posljednji prijedlog Zakona o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama, Mijuca spekulira o mogućoj budućnosti hrvatske obale Jadrana. U serijalu koji uključuje radove naziva Betoniziraj!, A Catwalk on Riva i Pukni puško, rodilo se muško, umjetnik istražuje fenomenologiju urbanizma pod utjecajem turizma u Splitu, a polazište i ponavljajući motiv je Duje, macho investitor koji utjelovljuje problematiku urbanističkog planiranja. Sličnu problematiku prostornog planiranja, ovaj put istražujući fenomenologiju grada Zagreba, predstavlja kroz rad The City is My Lunapark!, razvijen u okviru Vizkulturinog istraživačko-obrazovnog programa “Kako misliti urbanizam i javni prostor?".


Pavle Mijuca (HR/RS) rođen je 1999. u Beogradu. U svojoj praksi bavi se fenomenologijom gradova i prostornog planiranja. Svoj proces započinje istraživanjem problematike urbanističkog planiranja poput gentrifikacije, ilegalne gradnje i nereguliranog planiranja, koje provodi na internet portalima, građevinskim forumima i društvenim mrežama te analiziranjem prostornih planova. Rezultat njegova istraživanja često je satiričan vizualni jezik koji preslikava u medij digitalne ilustracije, a radovi se konačno ostvaruju u obliku printa na materijalima poput tekstila ili plastike. Završio je BA Fine Arts na Sveučilištu umjetnosti u Zürichu, gdje je za svoj diplomski projekt “Full of new beginnings” osvojio nagradu BA Grant Award. Trenutačno studira na drugoj godini MA Studio for Immediate Spaces na Sandberg Institutu u Amsterdamu.


Izložba je dio programa “Prostori igre” koji Platforma “Culture Hub Croatia” provodi u 2023. u sklopu kreativnog huba Prostor. Izložba je sufinancirana od strane Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske. Rad Platforme “Culture Hub Croatia” podržavaju Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnog društva i Zaklada Kultura nova.


Više informacija dostupno je na https://www.facebook.com/events/957453735551161/?ref=newsfeed.



The opening of the exhibition "Endless Becomings" by the artist Pavle Mijuca, is on Friday, August 25th, 2023, at 8 PM in Prostor. The exhibition will be on view until September 20th, weekdays from 10 AM to 7 PM.


"Endless Becomings" is the first solo exhibition of the artist Pavle Mijuca, who will present a series of works focusing on the rapid development of the coast under the influence of (mass) tourism, as well as the consequences of corruption, gentrification and illegal construction. The most recent of these works, which he developed as part of his studies at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam, investigates and analyzes the phenomenon of coastal development on the examples of Scheveningen Bad in the Netherlands and Žnjan in Croatia, juxtaposing the histories of both maritime domains but also seeking to uncover their similarities and specificities. Referring to the most recent bill of the Law on Maritime Property and Sea Ports, Mijuca speculates on the possible futures for the Croatian Adriatic coast. In the series that includes works called Betonize!, A Catwalk on Riva and Pukni puško, rodilo se muško, the artist examines the phenomenology of urban planning under the influence of tourism in Split, where the starting point and recurring motif is Duje, a macho investor who embodies problematics of urban planning such as corruption, gentrification, illegal construction and unregulated planning. A similar problematics of spatial planning, only this time exploring the phenomenology of the city of Zagreb, is presented in the work The City is My Lunapark!, developed within Vizkultura's research and education program How to think about urbanism and public space?.


Pavle Mijuca (HR/RS, *1999) is an artist and a spatial researcher. In his practice, he grapples with the phenomenologies of cities and spatial planning. He researches urban planning-related issues such as gentrification, illegal construction, and unregulated planning. The result of his research is often a satirical visual language translated into the medium of digital illustration. The illustrations are printed on various textile materials and presented as physical objects. He holds a Bachelor in Fine Arts from the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and is currently enrolled in the Studio for Immediate Spaces at the Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam. For his BA graduation project "Full of new beginnings" he received the Bachelor Grant Award. He lives and works in Amsterdam.


The exhibition is part of the "Spaces of Play" program that the "Culture Hub Croatia" Platform is implementing in 2023 as part of the Prostor creative hub. The exhibition is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia. The work of the Platform "Culture Hub Croatia" is supported by the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society and the Kultura nova Foundation.


More information is available at https://www.facebook.com/events/957453735551161/?ref=newsfeed.

