Štorije Dioklecijana
Štorije Dioklecijana - program događanja (.pdf)
Manifestacija "Štorije Dioklecijana" predstavlja izuzetno bogat program događanja koji se temelji na povijesti, kulturi i nasljeđu cara Dioklecijana i njegove palače u Splitu. Kroz niz interaktivnih i edukativnih programa, posjetitelji imaju priliku uroniti u svijet antičkog Rima i doživjeti ga na autentičan način.
Koncept manifestacije temelji se na povezivanju prošlosti sa sadašnjošću, kroz rekreaciju važnih trenutaka iz Dioklecijanovog života i vladavine. Kroz svečano otvaranje, prisustvo cara Dioklecijana u rekonstruiranom Peristilu omogućava posjetiteljima da se suoče s poviješću i kulturom tog doba. Interaktivne ture s carem Dioklecijanom, mogućnost postati Dioklecijanova supruga na jedan dan ili čak odabrati novog cara, dodatno približavaju posjetitelje vremenu i osjećaju moći koje je Rimsko carstvo imalo.
Program manifestacije obuhvaća različite aspekte Dioklecijanove vladavine, poput vojnog života, povijesne podjele vlasti tetrarhije te važnosti očuvanja kulturne baštine. "Štorije Dioklecijana" predstavljaju izvanredan način za posjetitelje da istraže antičku povijest, dožive duh rimskog doba i bolje razumiju nasljeđe koje je ostavio car Dioklecijan, doprinoseći time obogaćivanju kulturnog iskustva svih prisutnih.
29. kolovoza – ČETVRTAK
Lokacija: Peristil - 20.00 sati
Otvaranje manifestacije„Toge i Tetrarsi“
30. kolovoza – PETAK
Lokacija: Peristil - 12.00 sati
Program “Being Prisca“
Lokacija: Peristil - 13.00 sati
Program “Uspomena na carski Split“
Lokacija: Peristil Peristil i povijesni kompleks Splita sa Dioklecijanovom palačom - 20.00 sati
Program “Rimski marš“
Lokacija: Dioklecijanova palača - 20.30 sati
Program “Legio III Diocletiana 298
31. kolovoza – SUBOTA
Lokacija: Peristil - 12.00 sati
Program “I – the Emperor Diokles“
Lokacija: Peristil i povijesni kompleks Splita sa Dioklecijanovom palačom - 12.15 sati
Program “Emperor's tour“
Lokacija: Jupiterov hram „Pusti me proći“ uličica - 17. 00 sati
Program “Pass(word)… shall I!?“
Lokacija: Peristil i povijesni kompleks Splita sa Dioklecijanovom palačom - 20.00 sati
Program „Tetrarchy – the walk of four“ – zatvaranje manifestacije
Stories of Diocletian - event schedule (.pdf)
The event "Stories of Diocletian" presents an exceptionally rich program of events based on the history, culture, and legacy of Emperor Diocletian and his palace in Split. Through a series of interactive and educational programs, visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of ancient Rome and experience it in an authentic way.
The event concept is rooted in connecting the past with the present, recreating significant moments from Diocletian's life and reign. The grand opening, featuring the presence of Emperor Diocletian in the reconstructed Peristyle Square, allows visitors to engage with the history and culture of that era. Interactive tours with Emperor Diocletian, the chance to become Diocletian's wife for a day, or even to choose a new emperor further bring visitors closer to the time and the sense of power that the Roman Empire held.
The event program encompasses various aspects of Diocletian rule, such as military life, the historical division of power known as the tetrarchy, and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. "Stories of Diocletian" offer an outstanding way for visitors to explore ancient history, experience the spirit of the Roman era, and better comprehend the legacy left behind by Emperor Diocletian, thereby enriching the cultural experience of all attendees.
August 29th – THURSDAY
Location: Peristyle square - 8:00 PM
Opening of the event "Togas and Tetrarchs"
August 30th – FRIDAY
Location: Peristyle square - 12:00 PM
Program “Being Prisca”
Location: Peristyle square - 1:00 PM
Program “Memory of Imperial Split”
Location: Peristyle square and the Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian - 8:00 PM
Program “Roman March”
Location: Diocletian's Palace - 8:30 PM
Program “Legio III Diocletiana 298”
August 31st – SATURDAY
Location: Peristyle square- 12:00 PM
Program “I – the Emperor Diocles”
Location: Peristyle square and the Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian - 12:15 PM
Program “Emperor's Tour”
Location: Temple of Jupiter, "Pusti me proći/Let me pass" alley - 5:00 PM
Program “Pass(word)… shall I!?”
Location: Peristyle square and the Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian - 8:00 PM
Program “Tetrarchy – The Walk of Four” – Closing of the event