KLFM predstavlja: Ryley Walker Live @ Beton kino

KLFM predstavlja: Ryley Walker Live @ Beton kino


Lokacija: Beton kino - Dom mladih Split (Ulica slobode 28)

Vrijeme: 13. prosinca, petak, u 21.00 sati (vrata se otvaraju u 20.00 sati)



U okviru svoje europske turneje, američki pjevač i gitarist Ryley Walker održat će samostalni koncert u Beton kinu Doma mladih, u organizaciji community radija KLFM.

Ryley Walker umjetnik je koji se neprestano mijenja i iako je njegov bazični instrument akustična gitara, istu vješto koristi poigravajući se različitim žanrovima. Singer/songwriter, jazz, folk, psihodelični folk, prog i alt rock, sve su to pojmovi koji se vežu uz ovog glazbenika.

Ako volite Van Morrisona, Nick Drakea, Tim Buckleya ili Genesis, ili ste jednostavno željni koncerta glazbenika u naponu snage – nemojte propustiti Ryley Walkera u Beton kinu.


Kapacitet je ograničen na 100 mjesta. Preporučene donacije za glazbenika i radio djelovanje su 15 eura, a mogu se i prije koncerta uplatiti u Caffe bar pubu Basket.



All Kinds of You (Tompkins Square Records, 2014)

Primrose Green (Dead Oceans, 2015)

Golden Sings That Have Been Sung (Dead Oceans, 2016)

Deafman Glance (Dead Oceans, 2018)

The Lillywhite sessions (Dead Oceans, 2018)

Course in Fable (Husky Pants Records, 2021)


Informacije o događaju dostupne su na: www.klfm.org




Location: Beton Kino - Dom mladih Split (Ulica slobode 28)

Time: Friday, December 13, at 9:00 PM (doors open at 8:00 PM)


As part of his European tour, American singer and guitarist Ryley Walker will perform a solo concert at Beton Kino in Dom mladih, organized by community radio KLFM.

Ryley Walker is an ever-evolving artist. While his primary instrument is the acoustic guitar, he masterfully uses it to explore various genres. Singer/songwriter, jazz, folk, psychedelic folk, prog, and alt-rock are all terms associated with this musician.

If you enjoy Van Morrison, Nick Drake, Tim Buckley, or Genesis, or you’re simply looking for a concert by an artist at the peak of his powers, don’t miss Ryley Walker at Beton Kino.


Capacity is limited to 100 seats. Recommended donations for the musician and radio activities are €15 and can also be made prior to the concert at the Caffe Bar Pub Basket.




All Kinds of You (Tompkins Square Records, 2014)

Primrose Green (Dead Oceans, 2015)

Golden Sings That Have Been Sung (Dead Oceans, 2016)

Deafman Glance (Dead Oceans, 2018)

The Lillywhite Sessions (Dead Oceans, 2018)

Course in Fable (Husky Pants Records, 2021)


Event information is available at: www.klfm.org

