Lokacija: Dom mladih (Ulica slobode 28)

Vrijeme: 1. - 31. prosinca 2024.
Dom mladih Split u prosincu nudi bogat i raznovrstan program prepun radionica, predavanja, koncerata i umjetničkih izložbi. Ljubitelji društvenih plesova mogu sudjelovati u radionicama svakog petka u 19 sati u Plavoj dvorani, uz podršku kolektiva Style Force. Za one zainteresirane za programiranje, DUMP udruga mladih programera organizira edukativni program DUMP Internship tijekom vikenda (7., 8., 14. i 15.12.) u vremenu od 9 - 12 sati, a predavanja Jurice Pavičića na temu filmske dramaturgije i scenarija održavaju se 3. i 5. prosinca u Kino klubu Split. 
Radionice terapijskih grupa udruge Feniks održavaju se svakog ponedjeljka (2. , 9., 16., 23. i 30.12.) s početkom u 17 sati, dok su grupne podrške Feniks, otvorena besplatna druženja namijenjena osobama s mentalnim poteškoćama,zakazane četvrtkom (6., 13., 20. i 27.12.) u Razredu. 
Klub Kocka donosi raznovrsnu glazbenu ponudu s koncertima grupa Stara Koka, Dobra Juha (4.12.), Živo Blato (7.12.) i Špurijus + Nula (14.12.), Pulp (20.12.), Ultimatum (21.12.) i Kamenovanje IV: Nemeček + Bizon (27.12.), a zabavljat će se još i uz EX - YU (11. 12) i Trešiju (18.12).
Galerija MKC priprema izložbe Riso i prijatelji: 280.000 otisaka kasnije te Polumrak/Odgođeni svijet koje se otvaraju 5. prosinca, a traju do 24. prosinca, dok kolektiv queerANarchive organizira rezidenciju i prezentaciju Arhiv, tijelo, album i priča'od 4. do 6. prosinca. 
Cirkus Kolektiv 7. i 8. prosinca organizira dvodnevnu Radionicu svile za početnike pod vodstvom voditeljice Ivane Vukušić. 
Umjetničko istraživanje i rezidencijalni boravak nekoliko umjetnika u sklopu izvedbene komponente projekta Memento u prosincu rezultirat će prvom serijom performansa u različitim, manje poznatim prostorima Doma mladih 16. prosinca
Za ljubitelje humora i glazbe, Boulder dvorana nudi stand-up comedy 7. prosinca, a KLFM organizira koncert Ryleya Walkera, 13. prosinca u Beton kinu. 
Kreativne radionice za osnovnoškolce ABC MKC održavaju se 14. i 15. prosinca od 11 do 12:30 sati u Galeriji MKC. U Kino klubu Split od 14. do 16. prosinca traje radionica dokumentarnog filma pod vodstvom Tonća Gaćine, a prijave su otvorene do 8. prosinca. Galerija Kluba Kocka 16. prosinca u 19 sati otvara izložbu Kukumari autorica Maje Čule i Katy Pyle, istražujući regionalne i ekološke teme kroz eksperimentalni pristup.
U Klubu Kocka 17. prosinca održava se radionica "Peta dijagnoza", dok će 18. prosinca u 18 sati u Razredu biti predstavljena brošura projekta "Permakultura u školama", uz podjelu brošura i razgovor s predstavnicima uključenih škola.
Adventska događanja uključuju Božićni bazar za djecu i Popravljajonicu slikovnica i igračaka 19. prosinca, u Klubu Kocka. Na samom kraju mjeseca, ciklus radionica "Svjesnost i pokret" održava se 22. prosinca.
Ovo je samo dio programa za studeni, a cijeli program je dostupan na webu te na Facebook i Instagram profilima Doma mladih. Tu ćete naći i sve detalje o načinu prijave za sudjelovanje u radionicama.
Location: Youth Center (Ulica slobode 28)

Time: December 1 - 31, 2024.

Youth center offers a rich and diverse program in December, packed with workshops, lectures, concerts, and art exhibitions. Fans of social dancing can join workshops every Friday at 7 p.m. in the Plava dvorana, supported by the Style Force collective. For those interested in programming, DUMP, the association of young programmers, organizes the educational program DUMP Internship on weekends (December 7, 8, 14, and 15) from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., while Jurica Pavičić's lectures on film dramaturgy and screenwriting will be held on December 3 and 5 at Kino klub Split.


Therapeutic group workshops organized by the Feniks association take place every Monday (December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30) starting at 5 p.m., while Feniks group support sessions, free gatherings for individuals with mental health challenges, are scheduled on Thursdays (December 6, 13, 20, and 27) in Razred.


Klub Kocka offers a diverse musical program featuring concerts by bands Stara Koka and Dobra Juha (December 4), Živo Blato (December 7), Špurijus and Nula (December 14), Pulp (December 20), Ultimatum (December 21), and Kamenovanje IV with Nemeček and Bizon (December 27). Additional events include EX-YU night (December 11) and Trešija night (December 18).


Galerija MKC presents the exhibitions Riso i prijatelji: 280,000 prints later and Twilight/Postponed World, opening on December 5 and running until December 24. Meanwhile, the queerANarchive collective hosts a residency and presentation titled Archive, Body, Album, and Story from December 4 to 6.


Cirkus Kolektiv is organizing a two-day Silk Workshop for beginners, led by Ivana Vukušić, on December 7 and 8.


Artistic research and residency within the Memento project will culminate in the first series of performances on December 16, taking place in lesser-known spaces within Youth center.


For fans of humor and music, Boulder dvorana hosts a stand-up comedy night on December 7, while KLFM presents a Ryley Walker concert on December 13 at Beton Kino.


Creative workshops for primary school children, ABC MKC, will be held on December 14 and 15 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Galerija MKC. Kino klub Split offers a documentary filmmaking workshop led by Tonći Gaćina from December 14 to 16, with applications open until December 8. Galerija Kluba Kocka opens the exhibition Kukumari by Maja Čule and Katy Pyle on December 16 at 7 p.m., exploring regional and ecological themes through an experimental approach.


On December 17, Klub Kocka hosts the workshop Peta dijagnoza, while on December 18 at 6 p.m., the Razred space will host the presentation of the brochure Permaculture in Schools, including a discussion with representatives of participating schools and brochure distribution.


Advent events include a Christmas Bazaar for children and a Picture Book and Toy Repair Workshop on December 19 at Klub Kocka. Finally, the Awareness and Movement workshop series will be held on December 22..

This is just part of the program for September and the entire program is available on the website and on the Facebook and Instagram profiles of the Youth Center. There you will also find all the details on how to apply to participate in workshops. 

