The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra directed by Uli Plettendorff

The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra directed by Uli Plettendorff


Lokacija: HNK Split

Vrijeme: 10. listopada 2024., s početkom u 20.00 sati.


Svjetski poznati Glenn Miller Orkestar donosi ritmove swinga u Split!


Svjetski poznati Glenn Miller Orchestra pod dirigentskom palicom Wil Saldena, nastupit će 10. listopada u HNK u Splitu i donijeti swing ritmove tridesetih i četrdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Od prvog nastupa 1985. godine nastupili su više od pet i pol tisuća puta pred otprilike pet milijuna ljudi.


“Trudimo se svirati glazbu koja je obilježila to razdoblje na isti način kao Glenn Miller. Nije to kopiranje, ali bilo bi vrlo čudno, i za publiku i za bend, svirati modernu, npr. disko verziju "In The Mood": ni publika ni bend ne bi uživali u takvom nastupu” rekao je Will Salden.


Već na samom početku programa, pozornica će postati prava plesna arena, vraćajući nas u doba kada je nastao jedan od najkosmopolitskijih, opuštenih i zaraznih glazbenih stilova svih vremena - Swing. Zbog prepoznatljivog, iznimno harmoničnog, a istovremeno uzbuđujućeg zvuka, oživljavaju se vječni svjetski hitovi poput "Moonlight Serenade", "In the Mood", "Rhapsodie In Blue", "Leroy Brown", "Sentimental Journey" i mnogi drugi.


Prvi taktovi "Best Of..." odmah otkrivaju izuzetnu stručnost ovih izvanrednih glazbenika, a jedinstveni zvuk Glenn Miller Orkestra u Big Band sastavu posebno dolazi do izražaja zahvaljujući brojnim puhačima.


Iako je prošlo više od 85 godina od osnivanja Glenn Miller Orkestra, glazbeni svijet i dalje je obogaćen nezaboravnim melodijama i aranžmanima. Baš kao što su Coca Cola i Elvis Presley postali globalno prepoznatljivi američki kulturni simboli, tako je i Glenn Miller, zajedno sa svojom nezaboravnom glazbom, prepoznat širom svijeta.


Ulaznice dostupne putem LINKA!




Location: Croatian National Theatre (HNK), Split

Time: October 10, 2024, starting at 8:00 PM.


The world-renowned Glenn Miller Orchestra brings the rhythms of swing to Split!


Under the baton of Wil Salden, the world-famous Glenn Miller Orchestra will perform on October 10 at the Croatian National Theatre in Split, bringing the swing rhythms of the 1930s and 1940s. Since their first performance in 1985, they have performed more than five and a half thousand times in front of approximately five million people.


"We strive to play the music that defined that era in the same way Glenn Miller did. It's not imitation, but it would be very strange, both for the audience and the band, to play a modern, for example, disco version of 'In The Mood.' Neither the audience nor the band would enjoy such a performance," said Wil Salden.


From the very beginning of the program, the stage will transform into a true dance floor, taking us back to a time when one of the most cosmopolitan, relaxed, and infectious musical styles of all time – swing – was born. Thanks to its distinctive, exceptionally harmonious, yet exciting sound, eternal global hits such as "Moonlight Serenade," "In the Mood," "Rhapsody in Blue," "Leroy Brown," "Sentimental Journey," and many others will come to life.


The first notes of the "Best Of..." program immediately reveal the exceptional expertise of these extraordinary musicians, and the unique sound of the Glenn Miller Orchestra in Big Band formation stands out especially thanks to the numerous brass players.


Although more than 85 years have passed since the founding of the Glenn Miller Orchestra, the musical world continues to be enriched by its unforgettable melodies and arrangements. Just as Coca-Cola and Elvis Presley have become globally recognizable American cultural symbols, so too has Glenn Miller, along with his unforgettable music, become known worldwide. 


Tickets are available at LINK!

