Lokacija: Hrvatski dom Split, koncertna dvorana Ive Tijardovića
Vrijeme: 28. kolovoza 2024, s početkom u 20.00 sati
„Arsenijeva najveća snaga je njegova briljantna i fina tehnika, puna nijansi, kombinirana s aristokratskom elegancijom. Mladi glazbenik već ima vrlo osobni stil i zna kako šarmirati i osvojiti publiku.“ ©Muzlife Magazine
„Arsenii Moon je izrazito nadaren. On je izvanredan virtuoz sposoban privući pažnju slušatelja fascinantnom i zadivljujućom pričom. Jednako je vješt u najdubljim stranicama Bacha kao i u transcendentalnim etidama Liszta i mazurkama Chopina.“ ©Sergei Babayan
Pobjednik 64. Međunarodnog pijanističkog natjecanja Ferruccio Busoni, 24-godišnji pijanist Arsenii Moon, također je osvojio prestižnu nagradu Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, prema jednoglasnoj odluci žirija, koja nije dodijeljena gotovo tri desetljeća.
Koncertne turneje za sezonu 2024-25 uključuju više od 50 nastupa solo i s orkestrima na glavnim pozornicama i festivalima u Italiji, Švicarskoj, Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Austriji, Južnoj Koreji i Japanu, uključujući dvorane kao što su Konzerthaus Vienna, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Seoul Arts Center, Tonhalle Zurich, kao i snimke s “Deutsche Grammophone” i “ORF Vienna Radio Orchestra”.
Arsenii Moon rođen je u Sankt Peterburgu 1999. godine. S šest godina počeo je učiti klavir s Elenom Zyabreva. U razdoblju od 2010. do 2017. studirao je kod Aleksandra Sandlera, prvo u Srednjoj specijalnoj glazbenoj školi Državnog konzervatorija Rimsky-Korsakov u Sankt Peterburgu, a potom i na samom konzervatoriju. Sada završava studij kod Sergeja Babayana na “The Juilliard School” u New Yorku.
Godine 2009. debitirao je sa simfonijskim orkestrom u Filharmoniji u Sankt Peterburgu, a 2011. održao je svoj prvi recital u „Mozarthaus Vienna“. Tijekom svoje karijere Arsenii je osvojio brojne nagrade, poput „Sviatoslav Richter Grant“ od Zaklade Mstislav Rostropovich, nagradu Yuri Temirkanov i nagradu za klavir Tabor na „Verbier Festivalu“.
U ranim fazama svoje karijere Arsenii je osvojio nagrade na nekoliko značajnih natjecanja, poput prve nagrade na Horowitz natjecanju u Ukrajini, druge nagrade na Cliburn Junior natjecanju u SAD-u, prve nagrade na Artur Rubinstein in Memoriam natjecanju u Poljskoj i prve nagrade na natjecanju St. Priest u Francuskoj. Nastupao je na Međunarodnom pijanističkom festivalu Marijinski, festivalu Yury Bashmet u Minsku.
U razdoblju od 2015. do 2021. redovito je sudjelovao u programima Muzičke kuće u Sankt Peterburgu. Arsenii je nastupao s orkestrima kao što su “Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra”, “The Minnesota Orchestra”, “Orchestra Sinfonia di Bari”, “St Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra”, “Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra”, “Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra”.
Suradivao je s dirigentima poput Stanislava Kochanovskog, Mei-Ann Chen, Marka Russella Smitha, Iana Hobsona, Valerija Gergijeva i drugih.
Informacije o ulaznicama dostupne na linku:
Location: Concert hall Hrvatski dom Split, Ive Tijardović Concert Hall
Time: August 28, 2024, at 8 PM
“Arsenii's greatest strength is his brilliant and fine technique, full of nuances, combined with an aristocratic elegance. The young musician already has a very personal style and knows how to charm and captivate the audience.” ©Muzlife Magazine
“Arsenii Moon is highly gifted. He is an extraordinary virtuoso capable of capturing the listener's attention with a fascinating and breathtaking story. He is equally at home with the deepest pages of Bach as well the transcendental etudes of Liszt and mazurkas of Chopin.” ©Sergei Babayan
Winner of the 64th International Piano Competition Ferruccio Busoni, Arsenii Moon, 24-year-old pianist, also won the prestigious Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Award, as per unanimous verdict of the jury, which has not been awarded for almost three decades.
Concert tours for the 2024-25 season include more than 50 performances solo and with orchestras in major venues and festivals in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Austria, South Korea and Japan, including such halls as Konzerthaus Vienna, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Seoul Arts center, Tonhalle Zurich as well as recording productions with “Deutsche Grammophone” and with the “ORF Vienna Radio Orchestra”.
Arsenii Moon was born in St Petersburg in 1999. At the age of six he began to study the piano with Elena Zyabreva. In 2010–2017 he studied with Alexander Sandler, initially at the Secondary Specia Music School of the Rimsky-Korsakov St Petersburg State Conservatory and subsequently at the conservatory itself. He is now finishing his degree as a student of Sergei Babayan at “The Juilliard School” in New York.
In 2009 he made his debut with a symphony orchestra at the St Petersburg Philharmonia, and in 2011 he gave his first recital at the “Mozarthaus Vienna”. Throughout his career Arsenii has been awarded numerous awards such as “Sviatoslav Richter Grant” from the Mstislav Rostropovich Foundation, Yuri Temirkanov Prize,“Verbier Festival” Tabor piano award.
In earlier stages of his career Arsenii has won prizes in several major competitions, such as first prize at the Horowitz Competition in Ukraine, Second prize at the Cliburn Junior Competition in the USA, First prize at the Artur Rubinstein in Memoriam competition in Poland, First prize in the St. Priest competition in France. He appeared at the Mariinsky International Piano Festival, Yury Bashmet festival in Minsk. Within 2015-2021 he was regularly featured in programs of the St. Petersburg Music House.
Arsenii appeared with such orchestras as “Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra”, “The Minnesota Orchestra”, “Orchestra Sinfonia di Bari”, “St Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra”, “Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra”, “Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra”. He has collaborated with conductors as Stanislav Kochanovsky, Mei-Ann Chen, Mark Russell Smith, Ian Hobson, Valery Gergiev, among others.
Ticket information available at: