Lokacija: Kolur - Zvončac
Vrijeme: 26. srpnja - 18. kolovoza 2024., radno vrijeme od 18.00 do 23.00
U samom srcu Splita, od 26. srpnja do 18. kolovoza, treću godinu za redom vladat će sjajni koncertni lineup, vrhunska gastro ponuda, foto zone koje će osvojiti Instagram – jasno je, vraća se Split park festival.
Ljetni ambijent i sad već popularna festivalska lokacija pod imenom Kolur Zvončac, postat će najpoznatije mjesto za nezaboravne ljetne noći. Čast da otvori ovu “tvornicu zabave” pripast će mladoj i talentiranoj Miach. Izvest će hitove poput „NLO“, „Tempo“ i „Vatra“, osiguravajući odličnu atmosferu! Ulaz je besplatan, svi su dobrodošli na otvorenje koje će označiti početak festivala čije će maštovito uređenje i vrhunska gastronomska ponuda i ove godine osvojiti brojne domaće i strane posjetitelje.
Festival će uz najljepše zalaske sunca i pogleda na more ugostiti mnoga glazbena imena. Koncertni program nikad nije bio zanimljiviji jer na pozornicu dolaze izvođači koje niste dugo slušali uživo. Tako će 1. kolovoza zasvirati splitski bend Daleka Obala.
Najzanimljiviji nastup očekuje vas 10. kolovoza kada će nastupiti grupa Teens, koja se vratila na scenu nakon čak 25 godina izbivanja. Pred sam kraj, ne propustite se dodatno opustiti uz Songkillerse koji nastupaju 16. kolovoza, a dan kasnije priprema se veliki koncert iznenađenja čije ime organizatori još nisu spremni otkriti. Na samom kraju, zatvaranje festivala pripalo je domaćem bendu, popularnoj ekipi iz T.B.F.-a.
Split Park Festivali spaja vrhunsku gastronomiju i zabavu, pružajući nezaboravna ljetna dru-ženja, opuštene večernje izlaske i uživanje u odličnim zalogajima uz koncerte omiljenih bendova. Ulaz je slobodan za sve posjetitelje na sam dan otvorenja, dok se ostali koncerti naplaćuju, a karte su dostupne na stranici
Program i datumi koncerata:
*26.07. – Miach (Zvijezda mlade generacije)
*Ulaznice za Miachi koncert se ne naplaćuju.
1.08. – Daleka Obala
Legendarni bend Daleka obala obilježit će ljeto svojim koncertom na Split Park Festivalu! Zahvaljujući nezaboravnim hitovima koji privlače publiku svih generacija, spektakularan provod je zagarantiran. Pred svojim obožavateljima izvest će svoje najveće hitove koje su obilježile domaću glazbenu scenu, poput „Ruzinavi Brod“, „Tonka“, „Marica“ i mnogih drugih.
Ulaznice za koncert Daleke obale dostupne na
9.08 - Senidah
Jedna od najvećih trap zvijezda u regiji, Senidah, održat će svoj koncert na Split Park festivalu! "Balkanska trap diva" poznata je po svojim beskompromisnim tekstovima, upečatljivom stavu, glasu koji osvaja srca publike diljem regije, ali i po zaraznim hitovima poput "Replay", "Mišići" i "100%". Njena glazba, koja spaja elemente trapa, R&B-a i popa, stvara jedinstvenu atmosferu koju ne smijete propustiti!
Ulaznice za koncert Senidah dostupne na
10.08. – Teens
Nakon 25 godina, popularna grupa Teens ponovno je na okupu, a svoje najveće hitove zasvirat će i na Split Park Festivalu! Svojevremeno najveće tinejdžerske zvijezde, osvojili su Porin, a na Dori su nastupili kao dotad najmlađi izvođači. Publiku očekuje večer ispunjena sjajnom atmosferom i zaraznim hitovima koji su obilježili generacije, a koje i danas mnogi pamte, poput „Hajde reci što“, „Ništa opasno“, „Ti si ta“ i mnoge druge.
Ulaznice za koncert Teens dostupne na
16.08. – Songkillers
Jedna od najpoznatijih i i najomiljenijih funk grupa, Songkillers, dolaze na Split Park Festival gdje će publici priuštiti nezaboravnu večer. Predvođeni karizmatičnim frontmenom, Željkom Banićem – Banetom, tijekom trideset godina uspješne karijere stekli su mnoštvo fanova i status najvećeg hrvatskog funk benda! Njihovi hitovi, poput „Ni'ko kao ti“, „Malo toga preostaje“ i „Dio mene“, već godinama oduševljavaju publiku i u svaki nastup donose zaraznu energiju.
Ulaznice za koncert Songkillers dostupne na
17.08. – Toni Cetinski
Jedan od najpoznatijih vokala hrvatske i regionalne scene dolazi na SPF, a uz hitove poput Blago onom tko te ima, Umirem sto puta dnevno, Kad žena zavoli i mnoge druge čeka nas pravi glazbeni spektakl.
Ulaznice za koncert Tonija Cetinskog dostupne na
18.08. – TBF
Jedna od najpopularnijih hip hop grupa u regiji, TBF, najavljuje sjajnu live izvedbu na Split Park festivalu. Splitski bend iza sebe ima sedam studijskih izdanja koja su zaslužila nagrade diskografije i kritike. Zahvaljujući posebnom glazbenom izričaju i energiji, oduševljavaju brojne fanove diljem regije s hitovima, poput "Veseljko", "Grad spava", "Fantastična" i mnogih drugih.
Ulaznice za koncert TBF dostupne na
Sve ulaznice za koncerte u mjesecu kolovozu dostupne na
Location: Kolur - Zvončac
Date: July 26 - August 18, 2024, working hours from 6 PM to 11 PM
In the heart of Split, from July 26th to August 18th, a stellar concert lineup, top-notch culinary offerings, and Instagram-worthy photo zones will reign for the third consecutive year - it's clear that the Split Park Festival is back.
The summer ambiance and the now-popular festival location named Kolur Zvončac will become the most renowned spot for unforgettable summer nights. The honor of opening this "factory of fun" will go to the young and talented Miach. She will perform hits like "NLO," "Tempo," and "Vatra," ensuring an excellent atmosphere! Admission is free, and everyone is welcome to the opening that will mark the beginning of the festival, which will once again captivate many local and foreign visitors with its imaginative decor and top culinary offerings.
The festival, along with the most beautiful sunsets and sea views, will host many musical names. The concert program has never been more exciting as performers you haven't heard live in a long time will take the stage. On August 1st, the Split band Daleka Obala will perform.
The most exciting performance awaits on August 10th when the group Teens will take the stage, returning after a 25-year hiatus. Towards the end, don't miss the chance to relax further with Songkillers performing on August 16th, and the next day a big surprise concert is planned, the name of which the organizers are not yet ready to reveal. The festival will close with a performance by the local band, the popular T.B.F.
Split Park Festival combines top-notch gastronomy and entertainment, providing unforgettable summer gatherings, relaxed evening outings, and enjoyment of great bites along with concerts by favorite bands. Entry is free for all visitors on the opening day, while other concerts are ticketed, and tickets are available on the ENTRIO website.
Program and Concert Dates:
*July 26 – Miach (Young generation star)
*Admission for this concert is free.*
August 1 – Daleka Obala
The legendary band Daleka Obala will make this summer memorable with their concert at Split Park Festival! With unforgettable hits that attract audiences of all generations, a spectacular time is guaranteed. They will perform their greatest hits like “Ruzinavi Brod,” “Tonka,” “Marica,” and many more.
Tickets for Daleka Obala's concert are available at this
August 9 - Senidah
One of the biggest trap stars in the region, Senidah, will hold her concert at the Split Park Festival! The "Balkan Trap Diva" is known for her uncompromising lyrics, striking attitude, a voice that captures the hearts of audiences across the region, and infectious hits like "Replay," "Mišići," and "100%." Her music, which combines elements of trap, R&B, and pop, creates a unique atmosphere that you must not miss!
Tickets for Senidah's concert are available at the
August 10– Teens
After 25 years, the popular group Teens is reuniting and will perform their greatest hits at the Split Park Festival! Once the biggest teen stars, they won a Porin and performed at Dora as the youngest contestants ever. Expect an evening filled with a fantastic atmosphere and catchy hits that defined generations, like "Hajde reci što," "Ništa opasno," "Ti si ta," and many more.
Tickets for the Teens's concert are available at this
August 16 – Songkillers
One of the most famous and beloved funk bands, Songkillers, will treat the audience to an unforgettable evening at the Split Park Festival. Led by charismatic frontman Željko Banić – Bane, they have gained a large fanbase and the status of Croatia's biggest funk band over their thirty-year career! Their hits, like “Ni'ko kao ti,” “Malo toga preostaje,” and “Dio mene,” have delighted audiences for years, bringing infectious energy to every performance.
Tickets for the Songkillers's concert are available at this
August 17 – Toni Cetinski
One of the most renowned vocalists in Croatia and the regional scene is coming to SPF. With hits such as "Blago onom tko te ima" "Umirem sto puta dnevno" "Kad žena zavoli" and many others, we can expect a true musical spectacle.
Tickets for Toni Cetinski's concert are available at
August 18 – TBF
One of the most popular hip-hop groups in the region, TBF, announces a fantastic live performance at the Split Park Festival. The Split band has seven studio albums that have won awards from the music industry and critics. Thanks to their unique musical expression and energy, they delight many fans across the region with hits like "Veseljko," "Grad spava," "Fantastična," and many more.
Tickets for TBF's concert are available at this
Find out everything about the events on the festival's
Facebook and
Instagram profiles!