13. LJETNE ČARI KLASIČNE GLAZBE - Early Voices/vokalni ansambl
Ljetne čari klasične glazbe dugogodišnji je ljetni festival splitske glazbene mladeži koji je postepeno prerastao u važan kulturni događaj u gradu Splitu. Cilj festivala je upotpuniti koncertnu i kulturnu ponudu grada Splita u ljetnim mjesecima te građanima i njihovim gostima pružiti vrhunske glazbene doživljaje u ambijentalnim prostorima u srcu Splita.
Kao i prethodnih godina, i u ovogodišnjem, trinaestom izdanju, festival se koncepcijski nastavlja na prvu bitnu odrednicu - suradnju s mladim glazbenicima. Osim navedene, festival njeguje i međunarodnu kulturnu suradnju te ove godine ostvaruje suradnju s umjetnicima iz Austrije, Slovenije, Kanade i Norveške.
Festival ne bi postojao bez suradnje Glazbene mladeži Split, glavnog pokrovitelja Turističke zajednice grada Splita, kao i domaćina u predivnim prostorima, Muzeja grada Splita. Program se izvodi od sredine lipnja do kraja rujna, uz održavanje osam koncerata, šest u podrumima Dioklecijanove palače, a dva u novouređenoj Staroj gradskoj vijećnici kojom upravlja Muzej Grada Splita.
Lokacija: Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače
Vrijeme: 2. rujna 2024, s početkom u 20.00 sati
Early Voices je profesionalni vokalni kvintet koji izvodi renesansnu i baroknu glazbu te norvešku narodnu glazba nordijskog zvuka. Pet pjevača Early Voices-a iskusni su solisti, a imaju raznoliku pozadinu kao pjevači ansambla iz institucija kao što su Zbor norveških solista, Vocal art, Kilden Vokalensemble, Det norske damekor i Trondheim Vokalensemble. Early Voices je održao vrlo uspješne koncerte i turneje u Norveškoj, a podržavaju ga Arts Council Norway, Furestiftelsen, FFUK i Općina Oslo.
Kristine Våge, sopranistica, diplomirala je glazbenu pedagogiju na Norveškoj glazbenoj akademiji, gdje je studirala klasično pjevanje s profesoricom Julsrud. Kristine radi kao slobodni umjetnik, ali i kao učiteljica pjevanja. Radi u velikom broju žanrova i ima široko iskustvo kao solistica i pjevačica ansambla. Kristine je jako zainteresirana za barokni repertoar, ali i za operni repertoar. Kristine je jedna od osnivačica Det norske damekor, prvog norveškog profesionalnog ženskog ansambla.
Mari Johanne Müller, sopranistica, radi kao pjevačica i ima veliko iskustvo kao zborovođa i solistica. Mari radi u različitim žanrovima, s primarnim fokusom na ranu glazbu i suvremenu glazbu. Njezino iskustvo je iz vrlo hvaljenih ansambala kao što su Norveški zbor solista, Helsinški komorni zbor između ostalih. Mari je jedna od osnivačica Det norske damekor. Školovala se je u glazbenom kazalištu na Akademiji Bårdar, a pjevala je s Julsrud, Marijom Berglund, Ivarom Kroghom Hovdom i Nilsom Erikom Steinsbøom.
Maria Dale Johannessen je mezzosopranistica, školovala se na Barratt Due Institute of Music i magistrirala (2020.) na Opernoj akademiji (Nacionalna umjetnička akademija u Oslu). Nastupala je u raznim operama i oratorijima, kako u ulogama ansambla, tako i kao solistica. Godine 2019. pjevala je ulogu Hansa u filmu "Ivica i Marica" u izvedbi Operne akademije u Norveškoj operi i baletu. Maria je jedna od osnivačica operne kuće Skeive Stemmer koja organizira koncerte i predstave u Norveškoj i inozemstvu. Godine 2021. sudjelovala je u prvoj izvedbi komorne opere "Veiene som forsvinner" Bjørna Krusea na Festivalu komorne glazbe u Oslu, a 2022. glumila je u filmu "Flagstad – opera" Ketila Bjørnstada u Norveškoj operi i baletu. Maria je članica Zbora norveških solista i Det norske damekor.
Øystein Stensheim tenor, školovao se na talent programu "Mladi glazbenici" na Konzervatoriju za glazbu u Stavangeru, s već postignutom diplomom i magisterijem Norveške glazbene akademije. Øystein je tražen i kao solist i kao pjevač ansambla, a član je zbora norveških solista. Radi u širokom spektru glazbenih i umjetničkih izričaja. Kao solist redovito izvodi djela Bacha, Mozarta, Schuberta i Haydna, a pridonio je mnogim snimkama. Øystein surađuje s ansamblima kao što su TSO Vocal Ensemble, VocalArt i TrondheimBarokk. Øystein je nastupao kao solist u Simfonijskom orkestru Drammen, Barokkanerneu, Ansamblu Allegria, Zboru norveških solista, Ansamblu Dalí i Trondheimu Barokku.
Peder Arnt Kløvrud, bariton, školovan je na Barratt Due Institute of Music i The Norwegian Academy of Music. Radi honorarno kao pjevač i dirigent, a od 2005. član je zbora norveških solista, gdje surađuje s renomiranim dirigentima kao što su Grete Pedersen, Peter Dijkstra, Ottavio Dantone, Tônu Kaljuste i James Wood. Kao pjevač ansambla surađivao je s Vokalnim ansamblom TSO, zborom Edvard Grieg, VocalArt i komornim zborom Mogens Dahl između ostalih.
Godine 2014. odigrao je ulogu kao u "Et drømspill" u Norveškom nacionalnom kazalištu. Peder Arnt ima veliko iskustvo kao solist, u djelima poput Bachove Božićne oratorije i Faureovog Requiema. Studirao je pjevanje s Torgunom Birkelandom, Ståleom Ytterlijem, Kjersti Ekeberg i Njålom Sparbom, između ostalih
Summer Magic of Classical Music is a long-standing summer festival of the Split Music Youth that has gradually grown into an important cultural event in the city of Split. The festival aims to enrich the concert and cultural offerings of the city during the summer months, providing citizens and their guests with top-notch musical experiences in ambient spaces in the heart of Split.
As in previous years, this year's thirteenth edition of the festival continues its primary focus - collaboration with young musicians. Additionally, the festival fosters international cultural cooperation and this year collaborates with artists from Austria, Slovenia, Canada, and Norway.
The festival would not exist without the collaboration of the Split Music Youth, the main sponsor, the Tourist Board of the City of Split, and the hosts in the beautiful spaces of the Museum of the City of Split. The program runs from mid-June to the end of September, featuring eight concerts, six in the cellars of Diocletian's Palace, and two in the newly renovated Old City Hall managed by the Museum of the City of Split.
Location: Cellars of Diocletian's Palace
Date: September 2, 2024, starting at 8:00 PM
Early Voices is a professional vocal quintet performing Renaissance and Baroque music as well as Norwegian folk music with a Nordic sound. The five singers of Early Voices are experienced soloists, with diverse backgrounds as ensemble singers from institutions such as the Norwegian Soloists' Choir, Vocal Art, Kilden Vocal Ensemble, Det norske damekor, and Trondheim Vocal Ensemble. Early Voices has held highly successful concerts and tours in Norway, supported by Arts Council Norway, Furestiftelsen, FFUK, and the Municipality of Oslo.
Kristine Våge, soprano, graduated in music education from the Norwegian Academy of Music, where she studied classical singing with Professor Julsrud. Kristine works as a freelance artist and vocal teacher, performing in various genres as a soloist and ensemble singer. She is particularly interested in baroque repertoire and opera. Kristine is one of the founders of Det norske damekor, the first Norwegian professional women's ensemble.
Mari Johanne Müller, soprano, works as a singer and has extensive experience as a choir conductor and soloist. Mari performs in various genres, with a primary focus on early and contemporary music. Her experience includes highly acclaimed ensembles such as the Norwegian Soloists' Choir, Helsinki Chamber Choir, among others. Mari is also a founder of Det norske damekor. She studied musical theatre at the Bårdar Academy and has sung with Julsrud, Marija Berglund, Ivar Krogh Hovd, and Nils Erik Steinsbø.
Maria Dale Johannessen, mezzo-soprano, studied at the Barratt Due Institute of Music and completed her master's degree (2020) at the Opera Academy (National Academy of the Arts in Oslo). She has performed in various operas and oratorios, both as an ensemble member and as a soloist. In 2019, she played the role of Hansel in the film "Hansel and Gretel" produced by the Opera Academy at the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet. Maria is also a founder of the opera house Skeive Stemmer, organizing concerts and performances in Norway and abroad. In 2021, she participated in the first performance of Bjørn Kruse's chamber opera "The Vanishing Roads" at the Oslo Chamber Music Festival, and in 2022, she acted in the film "Flagstad – opera" by Ketil Bjørnstad at the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet. Maria is a member of the Norwegian Soloists' Choir and Det norske damekor.
Øystein Stensheim, tenor, studied in the talent program "Young Musicians" at the Conservatory of Music in Stavanger, obtaining diplomas and a master's degree from the Norwegian Academy of Music. Øystein is sought after as both a soloist and ensemble singer and is a member of the Norwegian Soloists' Choir. He works across a wide range of musical and artistic expressions, regularly performing works by Bach, Mozart, Schubert, and Haydn as a soloist and contributing to numerous recordings. Øystein collaborates with ensembles such as TSO Vocal Ensemble, VocalArt, and TrondheimBarokk. He has performed as a soloist with the Drammen Symphony Orchestra, Barokkanerne, Allegria Ensemble, Norwegian Soloists' Choir, Dalí Ensemble, and Trondheim Barokk.
Peder Arnt Kløvrud, baritone, studied at the Barratt Due Institute of Music and The Norwegian Academy of Music. He works freelance as a singer and conductor and has been a member of the Norwegian Soloists' Choir since 2005, collaborating with renowned conductors such as Grete Pedersen, Peter Dijkstra, Ottavio Dantone, Tônu Kaljuste, and James Wood. As an ensemble singer, he has collaborated with the TSO Vocal Ensemble, Edvard Grieg Choir, VocalArt, and Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, among others. In 2014, he played a role in "A Dream Play" at the Norwegian National Theatre. Peder Arnt has extensive experience as a soloist, performing works such as Bach's Christmas Oratorio and Fauré's Requiem. He studied singing with Torgun Birkeland, Ståle Ytterli, Kjersti Ekeberg, and Njål Sparbo, among others.