HRVATSKI DOM SPLIT: 1.618 - klasična glazba - Koncert povodom Dana Europe
Lokacija: Hrvatski dom Split - Koncertna dvorana Ive Tijardovića (Tončićeva 1, 21000 Split)
Vrijeme: 9. svibnja 2024.
Dodjela nagrada najboljim učenicima splitskih škola
Varaždinski komorni orkestar & Marta Hut, sopran
Varaždinski komorni orkestar svojom tridesetom sezonom nastavlja višestoljetnu tradiciju komornog i orkestralnog muziciranja u Varaždinu. Središnja djelatnost orkestra je ciklus od pet premijernih pretplatničkih koncerata u koncertnoj dvorani HNK-a u Varaždinu, kao i redovito sudjelovanje na Varaždinskim baroknim večerima. Orkestar godišnje ima i desetak koncerata diljem Hrvatske, te gostuje u nizu europskih zemalja. Varaždinski komorni orkestar je snimio tri CD-a s maestrom Pavlom Dešpaljem, koji je bio počasni član orkestra te dirigent i umjetnički voditelj završnog koncerta svake sezone. Orkestar dodjeljuje po jedan koncert kao nagradu mladim glazbenicima na natjecanjima, a s učenicima varaždinske Glazbene škole svake godine održi dva koncerta.
U povodu desete obljetnice 2004. godine izdana je monografija "Varaždinski komorni orkestar (1994.-2004.)" s prigodnim CD-om, a 2014.godine uz dvadesetu obljetnicu monografiju „Varaždinski komorni orkestar – Dva desetljeća entuzijazma“. Iako nastupa i bez dirigenta težeći prvenstveno kvaliteti, orkestar je surađivao s dirigentima - uglednim umjetnicima kao što su to Milan Horvat, Kazusi Ono, Vjekoslav Šutej, Uroš Lajovic, Vladimir Kranjčević, Ivo Lipanović, Zoran Juranić, Ivo Repušić, Valentin Egel i drugi. Uz orkestar su kao solisti nastupali eminentni instrumentalisti i pjevači, poput Ruže Pospiš-Baldani, Dubravke Tomšič-Srebotnjak, Dunje Vejzović, Višnje Mažuran, Monike Leskovar, Renate Pokupić, Radovana Vlatkovića, Davida Geringasa, Valtera Dešpalja, Petera Soavea, Ivane Lazar i drugih. Uz stalne koncert majstore (Jože Haluza, Dunja Bontek, Ivana Penić-Defar) orkestar često angažira i goste-koncert majstore, pa su to bili L. Spierer, C. Mackintosh, T. Smirnova, A. Ivić, B. Martinić, M. Korunić, L. Honda-Rosenberg i drugi. Orkestar je dobitnik nagrada Varaždinskih baroknih večeri Ivan Lukačić i Jurica Murai, nagrade HDGU Milka Trnina, nagrade Dubrovačkog ljetnog festivala Orlando, nagrade „Judita“ Splitskog ljeta, kao i Plakete grada Varaždina.
Više o programu na linku!
Ulaz slobodan
Location: Croatian Home Split - Ivo Tijardović Concert Hall (Tončićeva 1, 21000 Split)
Time: May 9, 2024.
Award Ceremony for the Best Students of Split Schools
Varaždin Chamber Orchestra & Marta Hut, soprano
The Varaždin Chamber Orchestra, in its thirtieth season, continues the centuries-old tradition of chamber and orchestral music in Varaždin. The central activity of the orchestra is a series of five premiere subscription concerts in the concert hall of the Croatian National Theater in Varaždin, as well as regular participation in the Varaždin Baroque Evenings. The orchestra performs around ten concerts annually across Croatia and tours several European countries. The Varaždin Chamber Orchestra has recorded three CDs with maestro Pavle Dešpalj, who was an honorary member of the orchestra and conductor and artistic director of the final concert of each season. The orchestra awards one concert as a prize to young musicians at competitions, and holds two concerts annually with students of the Varaždin Music School.
In honor of its tenth anniversary in 2004, a monograph "Varaždin Chamber Orchestra (1994-2004)" was published with a commemorative CD, and in 2014, on its twentieth anniversary, the monograph "Varaždin Chamber Orchestra – Two Decades of Enthusiasm" was published. Although the orchestra performs without a conductor, striving primarily for quality, it has collaborated with conductors - distinguished artists such as Milan Horvat, Kazushi Ono, Vjekoslav Šutej, Uroš Lajovic, Vladimir Kranjčević, Ivo Lipanović, Zoran Juranić, Ivo Repušić, Valentin Egel, and others. Eminent instrumentalists and singers have performed as soloists alongside the orchestra, such as Ruža Pospiš-Baldani, Dubravka Tomšič-Srebotnjak, Dunja Vejzović, Višnja Mažuran, Monika Leskovar, Renata Pokupić, Radovan Vlatković, David Geringas, Valter Dešpalj, Peter Soave, Ivana Lazar, and others. In addition to permanent concertmasters (Jože Haluza, Dunja Bontek, Ivana Penić-Defar), the orchestra frequently engages guest concertmasters, such as L. Spierer, C. Mackintosh, T. Smirnova, A. Ivić, B. Martinić, M. Korunić, L. Honda-Rosenberg, and others. The orchestra is the recipient of awards from the Varaždin Baroque Evenings Ivan Lukačić and Jurica Murai, the Croatian Music Union Milka Trnina Award, the Dubrovnik Summer Festival Orlando Award, the "Judita" Award of the Split Summer, as well as the Plaque of the City of Varaždin.
More about the program at the link!
Free entrance