Izložba Lili Poljak: "Fluctus Anima"
Lokacija: galerija Studio-21
Vrijeme: 11. - 19. siječnja 2024
Otvorenje izložbe "FLUCTUS ANIMA filc i nano filc/strukture, teksture"/Lili Poljak će se održati u četvrtak, 11.01. u 18:30 sati u galeriji Studio-21-.
Izložba je rezultat autoričinog primarnog interesa - eksperimentiranja s tehnikom filcanja kao jedne od najstarijih tehnika dobivanja tekstila uopce tj. propitivanja mogućnosti prirodnog vlakna vune i njegovog spajanja s drugim materijalima tehnikom mokrog ručnog filcanja, čime se FILC kao drevni materijal dovodi u suvremeni umjetnički kontekst.
U posljednjim desetljećima 20.st. svjedočimo afirmaciji ovog materijala kao izražajnog sredstva mnogih obrtnika,dizajnera i umjetnika, a beskompromisno ekološki aspekt doprinosi njenoj popularizaciji.
O umjetnici:
Lili Poljak diplomirala je kineziologiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Splitu nakon čega odlazi u Berlin gdje se susrece sa drevnom tehnikom ručnog filcanja vune te joj posvecuje jednaku pozornost kao i svojoj temeljnoj struci .Kroz dugogodišnji rad usavršava i specjalizira tehniku filcanja pod mentorstvom Dagmar Binder.-Textillabor. Filc postaje primarni medij njenog umjetničkog izričaja bez obzira na mogućnost njegove primjene, bilo kao dizajnerskog, bilo kazališnog, bilo modnog artefakta odnosno funkcionalne skulpture.
Nakon povratka u Hrvatsku pokrece vlastiti projekt i brend Filcmanufaktura s idejom sakupljanja odbačene vune te njenom upotrebom u primijenjenim umjetnostima i dizajnu.
Aktivno izlaze skupno i samostalno u zemlji i inozemstvu.Surađivala je na projektima renomiranih autora na polju dizajna i kazališne kostimografije, te raznim umjetničkim projektima i izvedbenim radovima na javnim mjestima.
Održava tematske radionice filcanja vune za djecu i odrasle.
Članica ULUPUH-a i Hrvatske zajednice slobodnih umjetnika za tekstilno stvaralaštvo.
Location: Studio-21 Gallery
Time: January 11 - 19, 2024
The opening of the exhibition "FLUCTUS ANIMA felt and nano felt/structures, textures" by Lili Poljak will take place on Thursday, January 11, at 6:30 PM at Studio-21 Gallery.
The exhibition is the result of the artist's primary interest - experimenting with the felting technique, one of the oldest textile techniques, and exploring the possibilities of natural wool fiber and its combination with other materials through the wet hand felting technique. This brings FELT, as an ancient material, into a contemporary artistic context. In the last decades of the 20th century, we have witnessed the affirmation of this material as an expressive medium for many craftsmen, designers, and artists. Its uncompromising ecological aspect contributes to its popularization.
About the artist:
Lili Poljak graduated in kinesiology from the Faculty of Philosophy in Split, after which she went to Berlin where she encountered the ancient technique of hand felting wool. She dedicated equal attention to this technique as to her fundamental profession. Through years of work, she perfected and specialized in felting technique under the mentorship of Dagmar Binder - Textillabor. Felt becomes the primary medium of her artistic expression, regardless of its possible application, whether as a designer, theatrical, or fashion artifact, or a functional sculpture.
After returning to Croatia, she started her own project and brand, Filcmanufaktura, with the idea of collecting discarded wool and using it in applied arts and design. She actively exhibits both collectively and independently in the country and abroad. She has collaborated on projects with renowned authors in the fields of design and theater costume design, as well as various artistic projects and performance works in public spaces. She conducts themed wool felting workshops for children and adults. A member of ULUPUH and the Croatian Association of Independent Artists for textile creativity.