Lokacija: Trg Gaje Bulata (ispred HNK Split)


Vrijeme: 15. prosinca 2024., od 11.00 do 13.30 sati
*Program se neće održati u subotu, 14. prosinca 2024., zbog loših vremenskih prilika te se odgađa na nedjelju, 15. prosinca 2024.


Pridružite nam se u blagdanskoj čaroliji na Trgu Gaja Bulata uz poseban adventski program za djecu! Najmlađi će imati priliku dočekati Sv. Nikolu i Sv. Luciju, a program uključuje zabavne sadržaje, koncerte, plesne nastupe i brojne iznenađenja.


Nedjelja, 15. prosinca 2024. - „Raspjevana Sv. Lucija“

Raspored programa:
11.00 sati
Splitske mažoretkinje 
11.05 sati
Talent Studio M 
11.20 sati
Dolazak Svete Lucije, Djeda Božićnjaka i animacija s djecom
11.25 sati
Splitske mažoretkinje 
11.35 sati
Predstavljanje gostujućih izvođača: Mladen Tudor i superstar zvjezdica Tia Bogdanović
11.37 sati
Mladen Tudor – glazbeni nastup

11.45 sati
Tia Bogdanović 
11.50 sati
Plesni klub Sirena
12.00 sati
Nagradna igra – Sveta Lucija i zagonetke s gostima

12.05 sati
Spalatine – plesni nastup
12.20 sati
Klub T-dance
12.30 sati
Nastup superstar zvjezdice Tia Bogdanović
12.35 sati
Plesni klub Vruća čokolada
12.45 sati
Baletni studio Školjkica
12.55 sati
Talent Studio M 

13.15 sati
Završetak programa



Doživite čaroliju adventa na Trgu Gaja Bulata uz bogat program za cijelu obitelj!







Location: Gajo Bulat square (in front of the Croatian National Theatre, Split)


Time: December 15, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM
*The program will not take place on Saturday, December 14, 2024, due to adverse weather conditions and is postponed to Sunday, December 15, 2024.


Join us for the festive magic at Trg Gaje Bulata with a special Advent program for children! The youngest visitors will have the chance to meet St. Nicholas and St. Lucy, with a program filled with fun activities, concerts, dance performances, and many surprises.


Sunday, December 15, 2024 – A Celebration with St. Lucy


 Program Schedule:  

11:00 a.m.  
Split Majorettes 

11:05 a.m.  
Talent Studio M 

11:20 a.m.  
Arrival of Saint Lucy, Santa Claus, and Children’s Animation  

11:25 a.m.  
Split Majorettes 

11:35 a.m.  
Introduction of Guest Performers: Mladen Tudor and Superstar Starlet Tia Bogdanović  

11:37 a.m.  
Performance by Mladen Tudor 

11:45 a.m.  
Performance by Tia Bogdanović  

11:50 a.m.  
Sirena Dance Club  

12:00 p.m.  
Prize Game – Saint Lucy’s Riddles with Guests  

12:05 p.m.  
Spalatine – Dance Performance  

12:20 p.m.  
T-dance Club  

12:30 p.m.  
Performance by Superstar  Tia Bogdanović  

12:35 p.m.  
Dance club of Vruća čokolada

12:45 p.m.  
Školjkica Ballet Studio  

12:55 p.m.  
Talent Studio M 

1:15 p.m.  
Program Conclusion  


Experience the magic of Advent at Trg Gaje Bulata with a rich program for the whole family!



