Prepustite se blagdanskom ugođaju Adventa u Splitu koji će se održati od 30. studenog 2024. do 6. siječnja. 2025.
Advent u Splitu: "I tebi i tvojima"
U iščekivanju najljepšeg dijela godine, s posebnim veseljem pozivamo sve da se pridruže proslavi Adventa u Splitu, ove godine pod motom "I tebi i tvojima". Želja nam je da ovo vrijeme, u kojem naš grad postaje dom čarolije, svjetlosti i radosti, bude ispunjeno zajedničkim trenucima i uspomenama koje obogatimo i podijelimo s voljenima.
Središnje mjesto glazbenih večeri i koncerata bit će Pjaca, dok nas raznovrstan i zabavan program očekuje i na brojnim drugim lokacijama – od Zvončaca i Mertojaka do Rive i Prokurativa. Adventski ugođaj dodatno će obogatiti okićeni Peristil, Dioklecijanovi podrumi i osvijetljena Riva, dok će doček Nove godine na Rivi biti obilježen koncertom Dubioze Kolektiv, stvarajući nezaboravan završetak godine.
Program Adventa obuhvaća i posebne događaje u Splitu i okolnim područjima. Tradicionalno će djeca dočekati Svetog Nikolu i Lucu na Trgu Gaje Bulata, dok će na Badnjak biti podijeljene porcije bakalara, uz kolendavanje i nastupe klapa po kalama, pjacama i voltima. Građanima će biti poklonjena predstava u HNK, a u Hrvatskom domu održat će se Novogodišnji bal. Adventski program obogatit će i događanja u Stobreču, Žrnovnici i Slatinama.
Posebnost ovogodišnjeg Adventa bit će bogat i raznovrstan dječji program za Dječji Advent, pažljivo osmišljen kako bi najmlađima donio radost i veselje. Nema ljepšeg načina za stvaranje nezaboravnih sjećanja na Split od uživanja u čaroliji božićnih trenutaka.
Detaljan program dostupan na LINKU!
Advent in Split: "I tebi i tvojima (For You and Your Family)"
Let yourself be immersed in the festive atmosphere of Advent in Split, which will take place from November 30, 2024, to January 6, 2025."
In anticipation of the most wonderful time of the year, we are delighted to invite everyone to join the celebration of Advent in Split, this year under the motto "To you and yours." Our wish is that this time, when our city becomes a home of magic, light, and joy, will be filled with shared moments and memories, enriched and shared with loved ones.
The central location for musical evenings and concerts will be Pjaca, while a diverse and entertaining program awaits us at many other locations – from Zvončac and Mertojak to Riva and Prokurative. The Advent atmosphere will be further enhanced by the decorated Peristyle, Diocletian’s Cellars, and the illuminated Riva, while the New Year's Eve celebration on the Riva will be marked by a concert of Dubioza Kolektiv, creating an unforgettable end to the year.
The Advent program also includes special events in Split and its surrounding areas. Traditionally, children will welcome St. Nicholas and St. Lucy at Gaje Bulat Square, and on Christmas Eve, portions of cod will be served, accompanied by caroling and performances by klapa groups in the streets, squares, and alleys. A gift to citizens will be a performance at the Croatian National Theatre, and a New Year's ball will be held at the Concert hall Ivo Tijardović, Hrvatski dom. The Advent program will also feature events in Stobreč, Žrnovnica, and Slatine.
A special feature of this year's Advent will be the rich and varied children's program for Children's Advent, carefully designed to bring joy and delight to the youngest. There is no better way to create unforgettable memories of Split than by enjoying the magic of Christmas moments.
All informations are available at LINK!