2. Mjesec gastronomije u Splitu
„Štorije o´ spize“
Split, listopad 2023.
Turistička zajednica grada Splita organizira drugi po redu Mjesec gastronomije u Splitu pod nazivom „Štorije o´ spize“.
Jedinstveni program u kojem će sudjelovati brojni zaljubljenici u dobru hranu i savršenu prezentaciju. Pažljivo osmišljena jela pripremat će se u različitim ugostiteljskim objektima koji će kreirati jedinstvene „Štorije o´ spize“.
Otvaranje manifestacije i Dani otvorenih vrata - Prokurative, 27. rujna, u 11:00 sati:
- 09:00 - 14:00 - učenici Turističko - ugostiteljske škole Split i partnerskih škola u suradnji s renomiranim šefovima, priremaju mediteranske delicije za građane i turiste,
- 11:00-11:30 - svečano otvaranje manifestacije Mjesec gastronomije u Splitu (Folklorni ansambl Jedinstvo i plesni studio Clique),
- 11:30-12:00 - Snimanje Milenijske fotografije na Rivi, fotograf Šime Strikoman (FitSplit logo u zelenoj boji) i
- 12:00-14:00 - „Štorija o spize i koktela“ i nastavak programa na Prokurativama
Organizira Fit Split RCK - Turističko ugostiteljska škola.
Dan karijera i Dan obrazovanja - hotel Amphora, 3. i 4. listopada:
- 3. listopada - Dan karijera, u suradnji s Županijskom komorom Split - HGK Split, okrugli stol na temu "Strategija razvoja hrvatskog turizma" i Sajam karijera u turizmu
- 4. listopada - Dan obrazovanja, u suradnji sa Sveučilištem u Splitu (UNIST), okrugli stol na temu"Strategija razvoj hrvatskog turizma" i Smotra visokih učilišta
Festival “Taste the Mediterranean” - 4. - 8. listopada:
Program događaja možete pronaći na linku:
Štorije o’ pive - Zvončac, 5. - 15. listopada:
Manifestacija "Štorije o’piva" ugostiti će veće pivovare i craft proizvođače piva, pružajući posjetiteljima priliku za degustaciju različitih pivskih vrsta, uz ponudu odgovarajuće hrane. Trajanje manifestacije je svaki dan od 17-24 sata na Zvončacu uz organizirane koncerte.
Tjedan restorana u Velumu..."Dica kuvaju" - restoran Velum, 9. - 13. listopada:
Učenici kuhaju za za chefove i građane i sajam proizvođača i OPG-ova
Organizira Fit Split RCK - Turističko ugostiteljska škola.
Štorije o' vina - Vinske edukacije by Saša Špiranec - Hotel Briig, 12. listopada:
1. Pjenušavi masterclass by Saša Špiranec
Champagne, Prosecco i pjenušac su tri najčešća termina koja koristimo kada konzumiramo pjenušce. Naučite sve važne tipove navedenih vina kroz vođenu degustaciju pjenušaca od strane međunarodnog eksperta za tu tematiku.
2. Ključne sorte i vina Dalmacije – vođeno kušanje by Saša Špiranec
Koje su ključne sorte Dalmacije i zašto? Što ih čini posebnima, u kojim uvjetima pružaju najviše i koji su najkvalitetniji predstavnici svake od njih? U vođenoj degustaciji i pripadnom predavanju naučite koja su vina zalog za bolju vinsku budućnost Dalmacije.
Štorije o’ slatkega - Voćni trg, 14. i 15. listopada od 9:00 do 12:00.
Manifestacija koja okuplja ljubitelje slatkih splitskih delicija, manifestacija jutarnjeg karaktera na javnoj površini uz degustacije i kupnju slatkega po promotivnim cijenama.
Popis sudionika:
- Bobis,
- Delta,,
- Oš kolač
- Nadalina čokolade,
- Biberon,
- Dolcemania i
- Haagen-Dazs slastičarna.
Štorije o' spize i vina na Peškariji - Splitska peškarija, 13. i 14. listopada te 20. i 21. listopada:
*21. listopada 2023. - OTKAZANO zbog najave lošeg vremena
Sajam vina i domaćih proizvoda - manifestacija obuhvaća gostovanje turističkih zajednica iz Dalmacije, koje dovode lokalne proizvođače vina i domaćih autohtonih proizvoda. Proizvodi će se moći degustirati i kupiti po promotivnim cijenama. Program će biti upotpunjen glazbenim nastupima dalmatinskih klapa i KUD-ova. Ulaz je besplatan.
Popis sudionika:
- 13 . listopada – “Okusi Dalmatinske Zagore” - gostovanje TZ Sinj, TZ Imotski i TZ Vrgorac, vinari i domaći proizvodi,
- 14. listopada - “Okusi otoka” – gostovanje TZ Hvar, TZ Brač i TZ Šolta, vinari i domaći proizvodi,
- 20. listopada. – “Okusi Splita i okolice” – TZ Kaštela, Omiš, Trogir, Solin, vinari i domaći proizvodi i
- 21. listopada - “Okusi juga Dalmacije” - gostovanje TZ Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije, vinari i domaći proizvodi.
Štorije o' spize u splitskim restoranima - "20 dana splitskih restorana” - 14. listopada - 5. studenog:
Manifestacija u kojoj splitski restorani, kao nositelji gastronomije grada, predstavljaju svoju gastro ponudu lokalnom stanovništvu te domaćim i stranim posjetiteljima po pristupačnim cijenama. Nuditi će se 1 i/ili više menija po cijeni od 25€ po osobi.
Restorani i slastičarna koji sudjeluju u manifestaciji:
- Dujkin dvor,
- Trattoria Tinel,
- BAZA food bar & good vibes,
- Zinfandel food & wine bar
- Corner (hotel Corner),
- Boiler club & dining,
- Olive tree dining & clubbing,
- Kadena,
- Sidi Bar,
- Pandora Greenbox,
- Corto Maltese freestyle food,
- Bepa,
- Konoba Korta,
- Restoran Laf,
- eVala 1903.
Festival vina “Poljubi me vinom” - ACI Split – Terasa pokraj restorana Zrno soli, 19. listopada:
Vinski festival sa edukacijama od strane 3 sommeliera, predstavljanje i kušanje vina, nakon edukacija koncert Antonella Malis i svečani domjenak za suradnike.
Organizira Fit Split RCK - Turističko ugostiteljska škola.
Grand Gourmet ŠKMER - Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika, 14. studenog:
Svečano otvaranje manifestacije na spomenutoj lokaciji bit će obogaćeno pričama o ginu, koktelima i gastronomskim kombinacijama koje se savršeno slažu s ovim pićem.
2nd Month of Gastronomy in Split
"Štorije o' spize - Food Stories"
Split, October 2023
In October, the second edition of the Month of Gastronomy in Split, titled "Štorije o' spize - Food Stories", will take place. This unique program will bring together food enthusiasts and connoisseurs, offering carefully crafted dishes prepared at various dining establishments that will create unique culinary experiences.
Opening of the Event and Days of open door - Prokurative, September 27, at 11:00 AM:
- 09:00 - 14:00 - Students from the Tourism and Hospitality School in Split and partner schools, in collaboration with renowned chefs, prepare Mediterranean delicacies for citizens and tourists.
- 11:00-11:30 - Grand opening of the Gastronomy Month event in Split (Folk ensemble Jedinstvo and dance studio Clique).
- 11:30-12:00 - Capturing the Millennium photo on the Riva promenade, photographer Šime Strikoman (FitSplit logo in green).
- 12:00-14:00 - "A Story of Cuisine and Cocktails" and continuation of the program at Prokurative Square.
Organized by Fit Split RCK - School of Tourism and Hospitality.
Career Day and Education Day - Hotel Amphora, October 3rd and 4th:
- October 3rd, Career Day in Tourism - in collaboration with the Split County Chamber of Commerce - Croatian Chamber of Commerce Split, roundtable discussion on the topic "Development Strategy of Croatian Tourism," and Career Fair in Tourism.
- October 4th, Education Day - in collaboration with the University of Split (UNIST), a roundtable discussion on the topic "Development Strategy of Croatian Tourism" and a showcase of higher education institutions.
"Taste the Mediterranean" Festival, October 4 - 8:
You can find the event program at the following link:
Beer Stories ("Štorije o’ piva") - Zvončac, October 5 - 15:
The "Štorije o’piva" event will host both major breweries and craft beer producers, providing visitors with the opportunity to taste a variety of beer types paired with suitable food. The event runs daily from 5 PM to 12 AM at Zvončac and features organized concerts.
Match Race Cooking, Cocktail & Tourism - Zvončac, October 5:
Competition among students from all 6 Regional Centers of Competence (RCK) in Croatia in 3 categories: chefs, waiters, and bartenders in the preparation of dishes and cocktails.
Organized by Fit Split RCK - School of Tourism and Hospitality.
Restaurant Week at Velum Restaurant,..."Students are cooking" - Velum Restaurant, October 9 - 13:
Students will cook for chefs and citizens with Producer Fair and Family Agricultural Holdings Fair .
Organized by Fit Split RCK - School of Tourism and Hospitality.
Wine Stories - Wine Workshops by Saša Špiranec - Hotel Briig, October 12:
1. Sparkling Masterclass by Saša Špiranec
Champagne, Prosecco, and sparkling wine are the three most common terms we use when enjoying sparkling wines. Learn about all the important types of these wines through a guided tasting of sparklings led by an international expert in the field.
2. Key Grape Varieties and Wines of Dalmatia – Guided Tasting by Saša Špiranec
What are the key grape varieties of Dalmatia, and why are they special? What sets them apart, in what conditions do they excel, and who are the highest-quality representatives of each? In the guided tasting and accompanying lecture, discover which wines hold the promise for a better wine future in Dalmatia.
Sweet Stories (Štorije o’ slatkega") - Voćni trg, October 14 and 15, from 9:00 till noon:
An event bringing together lovers of sweet Split delicacies, a morning event in a public space with tastings and the opportunity to purchase sweets at promotional prices.
List of participants:
- Bobis,
- Delta,,
- Oš kolač
- Nadalina čokolade,
- Biberon,
- Dolcemania i
- Haagen-Dazs slastičarna.
Food & Wine stories ("Štorije o' spize i vina") - Splitska peškarija (Fish market), October 13 - 14 and October 20 - 21, afternoon hours:
Wine and Local Products Fair - This event includes the participation of tourist boards from Dalmatia, bringing local wine producers and makers of indigenous homemade products. Visitors will have the opportunity to taste and purchase these products at promotional prices. The program will be enriched with musical performances by Dalmatian vocal groups (klapas) and cultural and artistic societies (KUD). Admission is free.
List of participants:
- October 13 - “Tastes of Dalmatian Hinterland” featuring guest appearances by the Sinj, Imotski, and Vrgorac Tourist Boards, winemakers, and local products.
- October 14 - “Tastes of the Islands” featuring guest appearances by the Hvar, Brač, and Šolta Tourist Boards, winemakers, and local products.
- October 20th - "Tastes of Split and the Surrounding Area" - hosted by the Tourist Boards of Kaštela, Omiš, Trogir, Solin, featuring wineries and domestic products.
- October 21st - "Tastes of South Dalmatia" - hosted by the Tourist Board of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, featuring wineries and domestic products.
Food Stories in Split restaurants and pastry shop - "20 Days of Split Restaurants" - October 14 to November 5:
A festival during which Split restaurants showcase their culinary offerings to local residents and domestic and international visitors at affordable prices. They will offer one or more menus at a price of €25 per person.
Participating restaurants:
- Dujkin dvor,
- Trattoria Tinel,
- BAZA food bar & good vibes,
- Zinfandel food & wine bar
- Corner (hotel Corner),
- Boiler club & dining,
- Olive tree dining & clubbing,
- Kadena,
- Sidi Bar,
- Pandora Greenbox,
- Corto Maltese freestyle food,
- Bepa,
- Konoba Korta,
- Restoran Laf,
- eVala 1903.
"Poljubi me vinom" (Kiss Me with Wine) Wine Festival - ACI Split, Terrace near Zrno soli Restaurant, October 19:
A wine festival with education sessions led by three sommeliers, wine presentations, tastings, a concert by Antonella Malis, and a special dinner for partners.
Organized by Fit Split RCK - School of Tourism and Hospitality.
Grand Gourmet ŠKMER - Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments, November 14:
The grand opening of the event at the mentioned location will be enriched with stories about gin, cocktails, and gastronomic combinations that perfectly complement these drinks.