3. Mjesec gastronomije u Splitu
„Štorije o´ spize“
23. listopada - 16. studenog 2024.
Turistička zajednica grada Splita organizira treći po redu Mjesec gastronomije u Splitu pod nazivom „Štorije o´ spize“.
Jedinstveni program u kojem će sudjelovati brojni zaljubljenici u dobru hranu i savršenu prezentaciju. Pažljivo osmišljena jela pripremat će se u različitim ugostiteljskim objektima koji će kreirati jedinstvene „Štorije o´ spize“.
12. Međunarodni festival Taste the Mediterranean
23. – 27. listopada 2024.
Gastronomski premium događaj koji i najzahtjevnijim ljubiteljima food&wine scene pruža jedinstveni gourmet doživljaj, bit će posvećen autentičnim dalmatinskim okusima i kulturi življenja. Predstavit će marendu kao tradicionalni lokalni običaj i povijest konobe, kao mjesto objedovanja.
Međunarodni susret svjetskih i domaćih vrhunskih chefova (Michelin, Gault&Millau, 50 Best), restoratera, hotelijera, stručnjaka iz područja turizma i gastronomije, te malih proizvođača hrane, vinara i maslinara, TTM će predstaviti i kuhinje drugih mediteranskih zemalja, a u prvom planu bit će priprema riba i plodova mora. Uz dalmatinsku kuhinju na Festivalu će tako biti prisutne talijanska, francuska, grčka, španjolska i marokanska kuhinja, kako bi posjetitelji mogli upoznati okuse iz raznih krajeva Mediterana, te vidjeti sličnosti, ali i bogatstvo različitosti.
Središnja događanja održat će se na splitskoj ribarnici, gdje će ugledni chefovi iz Splita, zajedno sa chefovima gostima iz inozemstva, pripremati četveroručne večere i degustacije, a svi će koristiti lokalne namirnice i domaće proizvode.
Kao i do sada, chefovi gosti Festivala Taste the Mediterranean održat će kulinarske masterclassove za učenike splitskih ugostiteljskih škola i za domaće kuhare, a brojni splitski restorani uključit će se u Festival s ponudom mediteranskih jelovnika po povoljnim cijenama.
Program 12. međunarodnog festivala Taste the Mediterranean dostupan je na LINKU!
Štorije o' spize i vina na Peškariji i Štorije o' spize u ulici Obrov
8. - 11. studenog 2024.
Peškarija / Ribarnica, 8. - 9. studenog 2024.od 17:00 do 21:00
U posebnom ambijentu splitske Peškarije, manifestacija Štorije o’ spize i vina okupit će domaće vinare, uljare i OPG-ove. Posjetitelji će imati priliku kušati vina, pršut, sir, soparnik, likere i druge lokalne proizvode. Posebnost ove manifestacije leži u predstavljanju autohtonih i gotovo zaboravljenih sorti vina dalmatinskoga kraja, koje je rijetko moguće pronaći u komercijalnoj ponudi. Vina i proizvodi bit će dostupni za degustaciju i kupnju po festivalskim cijenama.
Ispred Peškarije, majstori kuhinje pripremit će riblje delicije uz zabavni program. Ove godine posebno nam dolaze gosti iz Turističke zajednice općine Kolana s otoka Paga, zajedno s Udrugom proizvođača Paškog sira. Paški sir je jedan od najcjenjenijih hrvatskih gastronomskih proizvoda i ponos otoka Paga. Program će upotpuniti nastup članova KUD-a Bartol Kašić koji će izvesti tradicionalni ples - kolanjski tanc, a zabavni glazbeni ugođaj manifestacije upotpunit će Trio Gušt i kvartet Naranča, od 18 do 21 sat.
Štorije o' spize u ulici Obrov
8. - 11. studenog 2024.
Restorani u blizini Peškarije – Corto Maltese Freestyle Food, Pinku Fish & Wine, Pandora Greenbox i SIP27 Wine & Tapas Bar – nudit će tematske menije i mlado vino uoči Martinja po promotivnim cijenama.
X. Festival i natjecanje konobara, barista, barmena i restorana - Grand Gourmet
12. - 16. studenog 2024., Hotel Amphora
Ovaj međunarodni festival ugostiteljskih vještina, koji ujedno simbolično označava kraj turističke sezone, okuplja profesionalne konobare, barmene, bariste, timove hotela i restorana, kao i učenike turističko-ugostiteljskih škola iz Hrvatske i inozemstva. Kroz niz natjecanja u individualnim i timskim kategorijama, sudionici će imati priliku pokazati svoje vještine, osvojiti vrijedne nagrade te steći prepoznatljivost u ugostiteljskoj branši. Osim natjecateljskog dijela, jubilarni Grand Gourmet nudi i bogat edukativni program.
Svakog dana festivala, uz natjecanja, održavat će se besplatni masterclassovi, predavanja, radionice i treninzi pod vodstvom domaćih i inozemnih stručnjaka iz HoReCa sektora. Na ovim edukacijama sudjelovat će vodeći chefovi, sommelieri, F&B menadžeri i drugi profesionalci iz ugostiteljske struke. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na programe za učenike srednjih škola, čime se potiče i promovira mlade koji žele postići izvrsnost u ovom sektoru.
Program 10. izdanja Grand Gourmet dostupan je na LINKU!
3rd Month of Gastronomy in Split
"Štorije o' spize - Food Stories"
October 23 - November 16, 2024
In October, the third edition of the Month of Gastronomy in Split, titled "Štorije o' spize - Food Stories", will take place. This unique program will bring together food enthusiasts and connoisseurs, offering carefully crafted dishes prepared at various dining establishments that will create unique culinary experiences.
12th International Festival Taste the Mediterranean
October 23 - 27, 2024
This premium gastronomic event that offers a unique gourmet experience even to the most demanding lovers of the Mediterranean food & wine scene, this year will honour the authentic Dalmatian flavours and the local life style. The focus will be on Marenda (the traditional Dalmatian brunch) and Konoba (the typical Dalmatian tavern).
In addition to Dalmatian cuisine, the Festival TTM – known as an international meeting point of world and Croatian top chefs (Michelin, Gault&Millau, 50 Best), hoteliers, experts in the field of tourism and gastronomy, as well as small food producers, winemakers and olive growers – will also present the cuisines of other Mediterranean countries. Chefs from Italy, France, Greece, Spain, Morocco will prepare fish and sea food in their way, all using local ingredients. So the visitors will get to know the flavours from various parts of the Mediterranean, see the similarities but also the wealth of differences.
The central events will be held at the Split fish market. The Festival’s guest chefs will hold culinary masterclasses, while many restaurants in the city will offer Mediterranean menus at affordable prices.
The program is available at the following LINK!
Food & Wine Stories at the Fish Market and Food Stories in Obrov street
November 8 - 11, 2024
Fish Market, November 8 - 9, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
In the unique setting of Split’s fish market (Peškarija), the Food & Wine Stories event will bring together local winemakers, olive oil producers, and family farms (OPGs). Visitors will have the chance to taste wines, prosciutto, cheese, soparnik, various liqueurs, and other locally-made products. A highlight of this event will be the presentation of autochthonous and almost forgotten wine varieties from Dalmatia, rarely found on the commercial market. All products will be available for tasting and purchasing at special festival prices.
In front of the Peškarija, culinary masters will prepare fish delicacies accompanied by an entertainment program. This year’s special guests are from the Tourist Board of Kolan on the island of Pag, along with the Association of Pag Cheese Producers. Pag cheese is one of Croatia’s most esteemed gastronomic products and the pride of the island of Pag. The program will be enriched by a performance from members of the Bartol Kašić Cultural Arts Society, who will present the traditional dance Kolanjski tanc, while the musical entertainment will be complemented by Trio Gušt and the quartet Naranča, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Food Stories in Obrov street
November 8 - 11, 2024
Restaurants near Peškarija - Corto Maltese Freestyle Food, Pinku Fish & Wine, Pandora Greenbox and SIP27 Wine & Tapas Bar - will offer special themed menus and young wine in celebration of St. Martin’s Day, all at promotional prices.
10th Festival and Competition for Waiters, Baristas, Bartenders, and Restaurants - Grand Gourmet
November 12 - 16, 2024, Hotel Amphora
This international festival of hospitality skills, which symbolically marks the end of the tourist season, gathers professional waiters, bartenders, baristas, hotel and restaurant teams, as well as students from hospitality and tourism schools in Croatia and abroad. Through a series of individual and team competitions, participants will have the opportunity to showcase their skills, win valuable prizes, and gain recognition in the hospitality industry. In addition to the competitive segment, the milestone Grand Gourmet offers a rich educational program.
Each day of the festival, in addition to competitions, there will be free masterclasses, lectures, workshops, and training sessions led by domestic and international experts from the HoReCa sector. Leading chefs, sommeliers, F&B managers, and other hospitality professionals will participate in these educational events. Special emphasis is placed on programs for high school students, promoting and encouraging young people who aim to achieve excellence in the sector.
The program of the 10th edition of Grand Gourmet Festival is available at the following LINK!