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Aplicaciones móviles

Aplicaciones móviles

These listed mobile applications are not official applications of the Tourist Board of Split. The Tourist Board of Split does not take responsibility for the potential damage caused by the use of the below-mentioned mobile applications.





The association Liberato created the LiberatoMap mobile application.


The LiberatoMap mobile application is a natural continuation of the online interactive map for people with disabilities, which enables easier and faster access to information about the accessibility of facilities in the city with a focus on technical infrastructure and the implementation of new areas/cities. The division by categories (health, public institutions, education, sports, culture, parking, food, drink, and others) enables easy and faster access to the desired information, meeting the individual needs of users. The map was the first to be available online, and now a mobile app is also available for download.


The development of this application was a long and arduous process. With the support of all donors, partners, and external collaborators in the project since 2019, the association Liberato managed to create a unique experience for all users.


LiberatoMap is more than just a mobile app. It allows users to find and plan trips according to their specific needs and limitations. The app includes information on the accessibility of public transport, accommodation, restaurants, and other facilities and also offers planned routes adapted to the user's needs.


The LiberatoMap mobile application is available on Google Play and the App Store.

Google Play -

App Store -




We are pleased to inform you about the new travel mobile application HAPPYtoVISIT, available on all Android and iPhone devices.
It is an application that unites over 50 domestic travel agencies that offer over 450 different excursions and activities in the Republic of Croatia. All offers are described in detail, accompanied by pictures and guest comments. All offers are available for purchase in real-time within the app. We believe that the application works best in favor of the guest because guests have an overview of all realistically available excursion offers in one place, and all travel agencies can publish their services within the application without an initial fee.
Here is the current offer from Split:
You can download the application from these links:




SightRunApp - Descubre Split corriendo

El 24 de febrero Split va a devenir la destinación más popular en Croacia para corredores, porque se van a reunir más de 2000 participantes de más de 30 países para el medio maratón Split. Le invitamos a calentarse con SightRun App y a descubrir Split corriendo.
La oficina de turismo Split ha preparado una gira, o sea, carrera gratuita auditiva disponible como SightRun App con el objetivo de ayudarle a permanecer activo durante su estancia en Split. La temporada del año que elige para visitar Split no importa, somos seguros que, de todas maneras, va a disfrutar de la descubierta de las calles de la ciudad vieja o de la carrera frente al mar. 
Descarga a SightRun Split tour gratuitamente
Entonces, descargue gratuitamente SightRun App y comienza a descubrir la ciudad con el tour auditivo de SightRun App que hemos preparado para usted.  El tour de carrera por Split comienza al lado de la maqueta de la ciudad a la Riva (paseo marítimo central). La carrera de 5.5km pasa por las atracciones más importantes de la ciudad. ¡No se preocupe por el ritmo con el que va porque la aplicación va a seguir el suyo, así que puede parar para tomar selfis o puede caminar todo el tiempo!
No deje de llevar sus audífonos. Una vez comenzado el tour, solamente tiene que seguir las instrucciones auditivas y puede poner su teléfono móvil en el bolsillo.
SightRun App es una buena manera para combinar la carrera con una visita turística!
¡Póngase los zapatos! ¡Déjese llevar por una nueva aventura carrerista y descubre Split corriendo!
SightRun tour es disponible para Androids y iOS teléfonos móviles:
Google Play >

Plaja - Beach Finder

After eight weeks of StartIT academy, a mobile application was created to digitize all beaches in the Republic of Croatia.
The Plaja - Beach Finder is a free mobile app available for Android and iOS devices by its creator Dejan Grepo.
The answer to the question of where is the beach, so far has been offered through paper-printed maps that are impractical to explain and navigate, and large amounts are spent to answer just that one question.
The Plaja - Beach Finder mobile app works by showing you the nearest beaches, beach-related news, and weather, depending on your current location.
Using the mobile application, you can search beaches by map, category, or type (sandy, pebble, naturistic, etc.). You can also use a search engine by simply entering the name of the beach, city, or place. Besides that, you can search by specifying the radius in which you want to look for beaches according to your current location.
In agreement with the Association of Persons with Disabilities, the category of beaches for persons with disabilities has been integrated into the application. By adding that category, persons with disabilities have an insight into the accessible beaches with appropriate facilities.
There is a detailed description of each beach provided by the Tourist Board. The information includes location, content, and pictures. With the navigation option, there is an option that you can virtually view each beach via 360 View. The user can leave a comment, as well as a rating for each beach.
An important feature of the mobile application is that it works in Offline mode, meaning that navigation to the beaches happens without an Internet signal, which significantly helps foreign guests visiting the Croatian coast.

Audio Guide: Biographies and Sporting Achievements of Split's own Olympic Medalists

The digital storytelling platform presents the biographies and achievements of the Split Olympic athletes. The company TOUR GUIDE SYSTEM d.o.o. delivered this project in cooperation with the Tourist Board of Split.
Listening to, already in the first audio recording you will find the answer to why Split is "THE SPORTIEST CITY IN THE WORLD?" and in an interesting and instructive way, learn something new about the people who made the city of Split big and famous in the world of sports. The platform follows the needs and trends of innovative digital solutions in tourism. It is available online and is free.
In just a few clicks, becomes a personal curator, guide, and interpreter of the sports heritage of the city of Split to all domestic and foreign visitors.

Audio Guide - Marjan Forest Park

As part of the EU project "Marjan 2020 - brdo prošlosti, oaza budućnosti", the Public Institution for Marjan Forest Park Management developed an audio guide for all visitors. 
This guide can be downloaded for use within the forest as an interactive audio guide - especially emphasized for use by blind and visually impaired people, who will have an opportunity to learn and experience much more about biodiversity, natural heritage, and the contents of Marjan Forest Park.
The audio guide contains a map with marked points of interest (51 points of interest) and all geolocation options for tracking the direction and location of movement.
You can access the guide directly at

Croatian Soundscript - Split

Audio mobile application with short stories by Croatian authors 


Whether walking on Marjan, sitting on the Riva, passing through Get, or waiting for the bus, you can "catch" short urban stories by contemporary Croatian authors or excerpts from older Croatian literature by downloading to your smartphone the free sound application "Croatian Soundscript".


Like a quest for a literary Pokemon, ‘Croatian Soundscript’ is a mobile application that invites the audience on a sonic and interactive journey and is projected through a whole series of poetic and delicate stories in contrast to the banality of daily life. The application is activated with the help of geolocation around the city of Split, either at bus stops or in historically significant public places and city parks. The content of the application are unpublished short stories by contemporary Croatian authors, while in some historically significant places of the city you can listen to quotes or excerpts from older Croatian literature inspired by the space in which they are located or an urban theme from that time.  


The application’s content is sound-engineered with actors’ voices and placed in a designed audio-scene inspired by the theme of each individual story. Users of the application will be able to discover and listen to short stories of urban themes whilst walking through the city at their own pace and in this way relax and briefly step into the parallel reality of others’ lives that travel through empty spaces. Just download the application on Google Play Store and App Store and turn on geolocation, and stories will arrive on your phone as you walk around town.


The application "Croatian Soundscript" contains 73 short stories, some of which have a connection with the city of Split and its local population. Excerpts from classic Croatian works on urban themes are also included and these too have a connection with the city of Split. You can walk around the city and listen to the stories and excerpts of Marina Vujčić, Nada Topić, Ante Zlatko Stolica, Tanja Mravak, Elvis Bošnjak, Marija Glavaš, Nebojša Lujanović, Olja Runjić, Katja Grcić, Slobodanka Đuderija Renato Baretić, Luiza Bouharaou, Marija Jurić, Sonja Gaš , Mani Gotovac, Miljenko Smoje, Ivo Dellala, Marko Marulić, Anatoli Kudrjavcev, Luka Botić, Marin Bega, Bogdan Radica, Marko Uvodić from Split, Tonko Maroević, Tonća Petrasov Marović.


Croatian Soundscript in Split is realized in 2021, a year that the Government of the Republic of Croatia has declared a Year of Reading as part of the measure of the Action Plan of the National Strategy to encourage reading contributing to the development of reading culture


Find out more about the Croatian Soundscript program at


An information leaflet on the locations and how to use the application is available HERE.


Croatian Soundscript is the author's project of the art organization YELO, which was created in cooperation with the Zagreb Tourist Board, the Split Tourist Board, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, Hrvatski Telekom, the City of Split, and the Split-Dalmatia County.


Download links:
