CONCERT HALL HRVATSKI DOM SPLIT: Contrapposto - World Popular Music - Concert by the Group "Otprilike ovako"
Location: Croatian Home Split - Ivo Tijardović Concert Hall (Tončićeva 1)
Time: June 17th, 2024, starting at 8:00 PM
The band "Otprilike Ovako" was founded in 1974 and are pioneers of the blues scene in this region. The music they played at that time was the blues of African Americans, performed on authentic instruments (washtub bass, washboard, jew's harp, etc.). Over time, the band gradually electrified, and from 1978 to 1981 they composed a number of their own songs, based on blues.
During that time, the band became a cult group and a source of inspiration for most young musicians, who later became established figures on the Croatian music scene. Over the years, about 30 skilled musicians have passed through the band. Some went to the USA, others to Europe.
The band also composed music for a play by Marina Carić at the Croatian National Theatre. Otprilike Ovako received the Croatian Blues Forces award "Jadran Zlodre Gobbo & Otprilike Ovako" for their historical contribution to the blues scene in 2021/2022.
At this concert, which also marks the band's 50th anniversary, the following members will perform:
Goran Cetinić-Koća – guitar, vocals
Željko Milić – saxophone
Goran Slavićek – bass
Matko Petrić – percussion
Vladimir M. - Kragić-Patak – drums
CD releases: Quarat; Gobbo & Otprilike Ovako - In memoriam Jadran Zlodre Gobbo 1952-2008; Split Blues Festival; BlueSax Vol.1 and Vol.2
Ticket sales available at the link Adriaticket .com