Enter 2018 With Photography!

Enter 2018 With Photography!

Public New Year celebrations can be more or less attractive, usually depending on taste toward music performers, or how much you like being in a crowd. Same as anywhere else in the world, it's also a case in Split. However, for me, there is one small event, something like a side-dish of outdoor New Year's Eve party which I rarely miss.

Right after fireworks at Riva ends, and you share first kisses, hugs and good wishes, take a short walk up the Marmontova street to the gallery of Split Photo Club. That venue, not so impressive at first sight, is one of the cornerstones of art in Split, and is one of reasons why some consider Split as a capital of Croatian photography. Thus, it's natural that this venue has a privilege to host the very first cultural event of the year in Split, traditional New Year's Eve exhibition. It's been years since that tradition has been established, every year with different subject or author, carefully kept secret until few days before. Usually, thousands visit those exhibitions which last about two weeks, this year till January 14.

This Sunday, or 15 minutes into Monday and 2018, midnight exhibition at Marmontova will have even bigger significance for me, and everyone else in love with Marjan forest park. All the best works awarded at recent contest named "Marjan - Symbol and Inspiration" will be on display on the Gallery's wall, showing how much Split and its residents are narrowly connected with one of their most important symbols. If you spent at least some short time strolling around small green hill west from the Old town, you will know why.

Therefore, visit Photo Club Gallery in the first night of 2018, become a part of one of the most beautiful stories of local urban spirit. Until then, take a short glimpse into some of the best works you will see there, from Dalmacija Danas news portal to whom we thank for the photo-collage we used as an illustration of this blog.

