Parking in Split, pt. 2: Not a Nightmare Anymore

Parking in Split, pt. 2: Not a Nightmare Anymore

Almost two and a half years ago I wrote here about one of the biggest local riddles for anyone not used to all nuances of traffic in Split; how and where to park in Split, and what to do if your irregularly parked car had been towed. In the meantime, traffic became even worse in some part of the year, and parking in the city centre is still almost mission impossible.

Since recently, however, there are some improvements made through two projects conducted by local "parking authorities". The one which is maybe less obvious, but will be of great help especially to foreigners, is payment of street parking with credit and debit cards. So far, it was available only with coins or text messages, so tourist often faced a difficulty of not having enough coins at any given moment, or couldn't pay by phone because of roaming. There are new devices just set on 15 locations which accept Visa, V PAY, MasterCard and Maestro cards, and it's the first case of such option in Croatia. It works very simple. You first need to choose time of parking, meaning the end of it, and then insert or press your card on a payment machine. Card payment is so far available on following parking lots (you can find them on a map above: Zagrebačka (two devices), Tolstojeva (next to the public library), Tolstojeva (part closer to  the city centre), next to Saint Francis church, Preradovićevo šetalište (at Bačvice), Pojišan, Nova bolnica, Matejuška, Katalinićev prilaz (two devices), Gundulićeva, Držićeva, Bijankinijeva, Bana Jelačića (next to Prokurative square).

Second project is far more ambitious. City's company Split Parking and IT enterprise Profico developed a not-so-usual product; application to find free spots at local parking lots. Smart SplitParking communicates with sensors placed under pavement on parking spots, and reports which of them are available. Your smartphone app then leads you to the closest spot, or the one you have chosen. So far this solution is available at one street parking (at Domovinskog rata street) and four more out-of-street (Riva, Zrinsko-Frankopanska, Svačićeva and  Vukovarska). Depending on a location, you can even pay your parking through this app, which will automatically recognize zone where you park, and its price. Sound easy, isn't it?

Application is currently available only for iOS devices. Those with Android devices will be able to use web app. Android version and expanding to the whole parking network is coming soon.

