Ivica Profaca

Ivica Profaca is a journalist with decades of experience, and strong connection with Split, city where he was born, and where and with which he still lives. With this series of blogs he shows Split as he see it, and as he would like you to see it. Contact writer via: iprofaca@gmail.com
  • Season of Fjaka

    Enjoy these hot days? Well, probably, especially if you don't have it rest of the year, and if you are close to some refreshment. Locals in Dalmatia have very specific way of fight against summer heat. It's called fjaka (pron. something like fyackah). So, what is it? For those familiar with Mediterranean way of life, Spanish siesta would be the closest relative. Still, fjaka is a little bit wider term than just taking a break in the hottest part of a day. It's hard to define it, so the best ... More

  • Agave's Swan Song

    If you decide to visit Marjan forest park these days for walking, jogging, swimming or any other of many activities possible there, you will probably see beautiful natural phenomena, blossoming of agave. Straight from the heart of cactus-like plant (it's from lily family) grows something that looks like gigantic asparagus, and eventually will get a shape of a tree up to ten meters high. It's a flower of Agave Americana, also known as "century plant" because of a belief that it ... More

  • Summer in Split Begins With Films

    In Split we know: summer begins with films watching. And it begins with a bang, with one of the most interesting and most visited film festivals in Croatia - Mediterranean Film Festival Split. Starting from June 8 85 films from 26 nations and in ten days will be screened at three venues, open air cinema Bačvice, Zlatna vrata cinematheque, and cinema Tesla terrace. Those who attended in previous years know that FMFS (acronym for Croatian name of the Festival mediteranskog filma Split) is an ... More

  • Gastro Get: Eat Your Way Through Split Traditions

    It worked really well this winter, during Advent in Split, so why not repeating winning formula? Gastro Get is coming back around May 7, when Split celebrates a day of its patron saint, Saint Domnio's Day. Routine remains the same. Several restaurants and bars in the northwest part of the Diocletian's Palace join together in excellent gastronomy event, with menus specially designed for this part of the year, and according to occasion. Everything starts on May 4, and during following four days ... More

  • Where Name Split Came From?

    One of the most often questions visitors ask about Split is an origin of its name. No, we are not birth-place of Banana Split, nor first cases of split personality were observed here. And these are just two of many jokes and word games one can hear from any English-speaking person. I can still remember that some 20 years ago, when I was leaving Dallas, TX after six month stay, friends gave me a cake with "Ivica Splits for Split" written on it. So, really, where name Split is coming ... More

  • Mysterious Beauty from Salona

    Split has its glorious history and heritage, but in its closest vicinity, in Solin there are many important remains dating back to the Roman Empire. It's enough to mention Salona, capital of Roman province Dalmatia, and important city of 50-60 thousand people. Its remains are a little bit neglected with all other historical attractions that can be seen in this part of Croatia, but it sure deserves all the attention. Seeing such well-preserved remains of some big Roman city is not really common ... More

  • Royal Photographer In Split

    Hunting for old photographs used to be a hard work with archive browsing, digging in libraries, endless search around attics. It's so much easier today, with all those vast online collections. Still, finding something unseen is always a joy for everyone who loves scenes from the past. I confess I'm one of them, especially when it comes to Split as it used to be. There are many others like me. Facebook group Split in History gathers thousands of enthusiasts. One of the last jewels I found there ... More

  • Welcome to Carnival!

    All masks up! Starting this Sunday, one of the finest and funniest Split traditions began. Yes, it's a Carnival time. Or, as we in Split would say, Krnjeval (pron. something like kharnyewahl). Just like in the last few years, this year's festivities are dedicated to dance, and every street, square and venue will be a stage for all to show more or less advanced dancing skills. Don't worry, nobody will take it really seriously if you miss a beat. Wearing a mask brings freedom like no other ... More

  • Jazz Nights in a Puppet Theatre

    Split is proud about its music traditions, and no matter how strange it sounds, jazz is strong part of that heritage. What Dalmatian coast has to do with a music which is coming halfway around the globe? Just like many other things which marked 20th century, jazz arrived to Split with the allied forces' peace mission after the World War One. In those few years American sailors brought that strange sound to local bars and restaurants, causing horror among Split puritans. Some of that spirit and ... More

  • Night of Museums 2017: Where to go, What to See?

    In this calm season, one event attracts thousands at the end of January. All those people rush into museums, which open their gates for free. Yes, it's the Night of Museums time! This year, event will take place on January 27, and main theme is Music, Musical Greats and Their Influence on Society. What you can expect in museuma in and around Split? Archeological Site Salona 6pm-11pm Free visit to the site and Memorial Room in Tusculum; socializing with hot tea and cookies; sale of museum ... More