Celebrate Split!
If you were lucky enough to visit Split during next ten days, your stay with us will have very special bonus, festivities around holiday of city's Patron Saint, Saint Domnius or Domnio. This centuries old celebration, locally known as Sudamja, takes place on May 7, but whole week before and days after the big day are filled with events which will bring you local spirit and traditions. Those days Split lives on its streets and squares, honouring its biggest holiday and local heritage. If you ... More
Springtime Delicacies
Springtime brings some new colours, savours and flavours, and green market in Split looks and smell really spectacular, bursting with seasonal food. Among all of them, however, anyone from Split will always pick two as real signs of the season. Let's talk about wild asparagus and artichokes. Those who know asparagus only coming from cans, or as thick wooden plant bought in a supermarket, should try its wild, or free grown relative. You will see it anywhere at the market, usually tied in ... More
Enter 2018 With Photography!
Public New Year celebrations can be more or less attractive, usually depending on taste toward music performers, or how much you like being in a crowd. Same as anywhere else in the world, it's also a case in Split. However, for me, there is one small event, something like a side-dish of outdoor New Year's Eve party which I rarely miss. Right after fireworks at Riva ends, and you share first kisses, hugs and good wishes, take a short walk up the Marmontova street to the gallery of Split Photo ... More
Top 10 things about Advent in Split
Living by the sea at the Mediterranean is not exactly a synonym for winter joys, but it has its other advantages. There is a pretty big chance that you won't have white Christmas if spend it in Split, but there is equally big chance you will be able to sit, drink and eat outside. This year, Advent in Split will last longer than ever. It begins on December 2, and ends on January 16. There are also some new locations, and old ones are still there. Here are ten reasons, in no particular order, why ... More
Split Artists: Meet Vasko Lipovac
When talking about great artists and their works exhibited in Split, first thought is usually Ivan Meštrović and Meštrović Gallery, probably the most visited museum in Split. Second might be the Emanuel Vidovic Gallery dedicated to works of probably the most important Split artist from first half of 20th century. There is also the Gallery of Fine Arts with its superb permanent collection and intriguing regular exhibitions. All three of them are based in or close to the old town, ... More
Parking in Split, pt. 2: Not a Nightmare Anymore
Almost two and a half years ago I wrote here about one of the biggest local riddles for anyone not used to all nuances of traffic in Split; how and where to park in Split, and what to do if your irregularly parked car had been towed. In the meantime, traffic became even worse in some part of the year, and parking in the city centre is still almost mission impossible. Since recently, however, there are some improvements made through two projects conducted by local "parking ... More
Let's go hiking!
September is just around the corner, probably first rains will signal that summer is going to its end. Of course, swimming season in Dalmatia will go on till the late October, but temperatures will drop for a few degrees and open a season of some other types of enjoying nature than just dropping on some beach. Meaning, go hiking! Of course, lots of people go hiking during the summer, but Dalmatian mountains are tough, mostly rocky and sometimes you can feel like being in an oven up there. ... More
Meet Diocletian
Diocletian equals Split. No matter what we know about this Roman Emperor, no matter if we like or not his performance at the world's most powerful position of his age, it's an obvious fact that without Diocletian Split wouldn't exist. Or, to be more precise, it wouldn't be Split as we know it and love it. Celebrating this man, born probably in 244 AD as a peasant's son near Roman city of Salona (today's Solin) means celebrating Split and its history. Part of such celebration will be incoming ... More
A City of UNESCO, part two
In October 2016 I wrote a blog about Split being one of UNESCO's capitals of the world. If this sounds like one of those overconfident bragging so usual in Split, try to beat one of arguments I made; there are really not so many places in the world who can say there are no less than six World Heritage locations within under than two hours of trip by car or ferry from the city centre. You can check that list in a blog I linked, but it actually needs a significant update. Now there are eight ... More
Enjoy Ultra Europe in Safety
Ultra Europe 2017 is just around the corner, there is only one day left till the biggest music event in Croatia, which attracts tens of thousands electronic music and partying fans. Ultra Europe is pure joy, and I'm certain that those three days will be unforgettable for everyone who arrives to Poljud Stadium. However, to make that experience full, the one should take care of safety, but also about the community he or she arrived to. Here are some simple recommendations by organizers you need ... More
Ivica Profaca is a journalist with decades of experience, and strong connection with Split, city where he was born, and where and with which he still lives. With this series of blogs he shows Split as he see it, and as he would like you to see it. Contact writer via: iprofaca@gmail.com