City squares

  • Prokurative

    Prokurative or as they are officially called, Republic Square resemble the Venice St. Marks Square. They are located west of the Riva and they were named after the arches found on the neo-Renaissance buildings surrounding the square on three sides. Most people to this day know it by that name. The square is only open on the south side, providing a beautiful view of the harbour and the Riva (waterfront). The building of the Prokurativa was initiated by one of the most renowned mayors in the ... More

  • Pjaca

    Pjaca (People's Square, another square nobody in Split calls by its real name), is first mentioned in 13th century as St Lawrence's Square, and it was the first inhabited part of Split outside the Diocletian Palace, leaning to its western wall. Already for centuries the Pjaca is the central stage of the city life, there in the Gothic building of the Old Town Hall, today an exhibition centre, was the seat of the city's authority, and in still beautiful and preserved Palaces on the outskirts of ... More

  • Voćni trg (Fruit square)

    Believe it or not, but this square, maybe the most beautiful one in the city, to the citizens of Split is more familiar under its unofficial rather than its official name of Trg Braće Radić (Square of the Radić brothers). Its "familiar" name comes from the fact that it was once home to the bustling and colourful market where women from the surrounding villages came to sell their fruit. On the neighbouring square, west of the Fruit Square, fruit was sold. There are several landmarks ... More