CONCERT HALL HRVATSKI DOM SPLIT: Cycle 1.618 - classical music - "Hello Spring" - Women's Choir of the Croatian National Theater Split

CONCERT HALL HRVATSKI DOM SPLIT: Cycle 1.618 - classical music - "Hello Spring" - Women's Choir of the Croatian National Theater Split

Location: Concert hall Hrvatski dom Split - Concert Hall Ivo Tijardović (Tončićeva 1)
Date: March 7, 2024, at 7:30 PM


"Hello Spring" - Women's Choir of the Croatian National Theater Split: Brahms, Verdi, Schubert, Holst, Hatze, Tchaikovsky, Debussy

Conductor: Veton Marevci

Pianist: Ivan Violić

Harpist: Edita Topić Kopeczky

The Choir of the Croatian National Theater Split has been a core part of the Split Theater throughout its history, forming the nucleus from which the Split Opera evolved. Despite collaborations and connections with related bodies in and outside the Theater, the Choir has often operated independently. Amidst the dynamic musical events at the Split Croatian National Theater, the Choir has grown into a key driver of significant achievements and recognitions that the Split Opera ensemble has garnered to this day.

Known for its stability and flexibility, the Choir demonstrates remarkable talent in portraying complex dramatic plots on the opera stage. As noted by music critics, "notes carry the greatest weight when performed convincingly, passionately, and accurately," and these are qualities exemplified in the Choir's singing. The Choir's extensive and diverse repertoire includes opera productions alongside the Orchestra and a varied concert repertoire featuring the most demanding choral works of classical and modern music.

This would not be possible without collaboration with prominent conductors, many of whom have achieved significant international careers. Notable names include Nikša Bareza, Vjekoslav Šutej, Jakov and Loris Voltolini, Nikolaj Žličar, Vid Kuzmanić, Josip Veršić, Ivo Lipanović, Hari Zlodre, Pavle Dešpalj, Tonko Ninić, Mladen Tarbuk, Miroslav Homen, Damir Marušić, and current conductor, maestro Veton Marevci.

For more information about the program, visit link.

Ticket sales are available at the following link and web shop.


